Author Topic: Any file in media fire that has all RTB addons  (Read 1456 times)

Title says it all, any file?

Are those all of the RTB3/RTB4 addons?

is there maybe a search lol? A lot of addons

... best you'll get.

i could probably make the website better and add stuff like search but I was too lazy and just made a script auto generate it in html ;D

i could probably make the website better and add stuff like search but I was too lazy and just made a script auto generate it in html ;D
Oh you.

forget search, that's what CTRL F is for, add categories.

forget search, that's what CTRL F is for, add categories.
Ctrl + F, "event_"?

forget search, that's what CTRL F is for, add categories.
It's in alphabetical order, and the category of each item is at the beginning of its name. That automatically sorts all of the items into categories.

Ctrl + F, "event_"?
But then you have to guess the naame of an addon from there.

it kinda makes me nervous that there is a huge combined folder of all addons; link floating around.

some people might just drop that into a folder and host it all x.x