Author Topic: theres a rock in my house  (Read 5772 times)

so im a little worried. i was working on the computer and i turned around to go to the bathroom when i saw this

its just sitting there. i dont want to startle it. ive never dealt with a wild rock before so i dont know what it will do. has anyone ever had to deal with this?

I've heard stuff about rocks being weather experts. or making good pets.

its really not clear, they are pretty allusive

maybe it knows ignacio

I was planning to sleep tonight.

rocks are friendly to me, idk, try to hug it

I've heard stuff about rocks being weather experts. or making good pets.

its really not clear, they are pretty allusive
do you know if they can read or write?

It escaped!

Must've been tornado

do you know if they can read or write?

No brain and no hands. Nah

we need more rock face avatars

Oh stuff, CharlesSpeaking found you.

im laughing too hard at this help

This happened to me the other day.

Just ignore it, it will go  away eventually.