Author Topic: Twitch Plays Pokemon  (Read 37205 times)
10,000 people commanding one version of Pokemon Red

is there still a delay on that?
if there wasn't it would probably work better

edit: what happens on a fight?
do they lose every time from people randomly spamming things and making them try to run away each time?
« Last Edit: February 14, 2014, 03:39:05 PM by phflack »

what would be neat is if this was made on a website off of twitch, with a Gameboy GUI
so every 5 seconds it would tick, and people could click a button as a vote for the move for the tick
but this is rather hilarious too, just the other style might work well for other games too like chess and what not

but that ruins the entire point of the game. The purpose is to see what would happen if a huge amount of people were commanding a single game

have they beat misty yet?

they were doing so well
then they got to blue
and their stuff got wrecked. they'll never get back to the ship

we've gotten past the ship, but we've been trying to teach a pokemon cut for 2 hours
what the hell am i doing with my free time

there's also a stream that is playing tetris with the twitch plays pokemon inputs, and is also showing TPP. much easier to chat about the stream here

i made one of my own

although i'd much prefer a different game to do

Maybe the awful site-wide chat lag this appears to be causing will affect League of Legends streams and finally make Twitch improve their servers

oh my god
i need this
I'm playing it right now

This lost its novelty after like 10 minutes.

Maybe the awful site-wide chat lag this appears to be causing will affect League of Legends streams and finally make Twitch improve their servers

The chats in the streams that make Twitch all their money are irrelevant anyway. Ergo, Twitch does not and will never give a stuff.