Author Topic: Twitch Plays Pokemon  (Read 37519 times)

i made one of my own

although i'd much prefer a different game to do
How did you get the script?

86000 viewers right now. holy forget.

The Team rocket member heard something rustling down the hall. A sound of power smashing through the hall beside him.
He readied his pokeball, waiting for the arrival of the challenger.

he waited 5 minutes and all he could hear was the sound of it coming through the hall.
finally, it burst pass the corner, a Trainer running around in circles, checking his bag every second and then closing it, as he rammed into every wall while spinning around with the faint sounds of "down down left right right right up democracy democracy" following him.

The Team rocket goon was in shock, and ran as fast as he could away from the nightmare he encountered. he would never forget the monster known as the Twitch

All we can do is spin around is circles. Nice work, internet.

This stream is spawning such great things

How do you tell if Anarchy or Democracy is winning? There are 3 bars that are separated by a solid line and then a dotted line
« Last Edit: February 18, 2014, 09:05:29 PM by Masterlegodude »

How do you tell if Anarchy or Democracy is winning? There are 3 bars that are separated by a solid line and then a dotted line
I was confused at first too
the lit up anarchy or democracy is the one in use
The dotted line is the one not in use
democracy has a box for commands voted under the bar, anarchy is just all the commands

He's in the elevator, he just needs to get to the bottom floor, who knew navigating a small option menu with 100k people would be so hard :cookieMonster:

Red made it to Giovanni, just gotta drunkenly stumble his way to him

And all the effort in the world has gone to waste all because someone made Red use Rattata's Dig
« Last Edit: February 18, 2014, 09:32:54 PM by Masterlegodude »

He's in the elevator, he just needs to get to the bottom floor, who knew navigating a small option menu with 100k people would be so hard :cookieMonster:

Red made it to Giovanni, just gotta drunkenly stumble his way to him

And all the effort in the world has gone to waste all because someone made Red use Rattata's Dig
The process starts again
no matter how long the journey, we will conquer it with anarchy

The process starts again
no matter how long the journey, we will conquer it with anarchy
Someone in the chat said the only reason they have the key card was because of democracy

Which makes you wonder just how much would get done if democracy was active instead of anarchy

Someone in the chat said the only reason they have the key card was because of democracy

Which makes you wonder just how much would get done if democracy was active instead of anarchy
Anarchy is the fun of it, sure democracy is the easy way unless everyone spams start9

is nobody gonna talk about the fact they released the fckin starter

is nobody gonna talk about the fact they released the fckin starter
I think the Twitch chat already said what was needed to be said

And there goes TM07, they're back in the elevator at least

Wow, how dare they even manage to attempt to toss away the Helix Fossil

They'd be lost if the game just allowed them to toss that on the ground!
« Last Edit: February 18, 2014, 10:25:35 PM by Masterlegodude »

You can't toss toss the helix fossil?

You can't toss toss the helix fossil?

No, the game says it's too important

They're finally battling Giovanni, they may not beat him though

How is Onix's rage missing so much and how is Giovanni just letting a Farfetch'd destroy it with an ineffective attack?!
« Last Edit: February 18, 2014, 11:10:37 PM by Masterlegodude »