
Should I make another "Parody" video soon?


Author Topic: How to Create Shiny Pokemon in Pokemon X and Y || Video [Parody] {POLL}  (Read 1052 times)

This in-depth guide explains in EXTREME detail the best method for hatching shiny pokemon in pokemon x and y. I worked very hard on this video and I hope that you worked very hard on watching it. Thanks buddy.
it's still a joke

If you liked the video then I urge you to please like it on reddit.
« Last Edit: March 01, 2014, 09:29:59 PM by Gamefandan »

wait, so he's not hatching them but CREATING them?
Sounds brutal.

wait, so he's not hatching them but CREATING them?
Sounds brutal.

Yeah man.

jesus christ
you could have gotten salmonella

jesus christ
you could have gotten salmonella

but i didnt tho

Hey guys, it was orange juice btw. But the blooper at the end though, that was actually egg.

Hey guys, it was orange juice btw. But the blooper at the end though, that was actually egg.

You don't drink your eggs raw? What a shame.

Doesn't have top IV's, throw it in the trash.

Good tutorial 10/10.
Learned how to make shiney pokes.

Doesn't have top IV's, throw it in the trash.

The Excadrill from the beginning has 6 IVs.

Shameless bump. People on reddit are complaining about the lack of maturity in the video. Okay.

what drugs are you on in this video.