Author Topic: Bought Gmod and I don't know how to properly play it  (Read 1012 times)


I spawned a combine helicopter and didn't knew how to delete it, so I fighted it, It did not die so I restarted

I spawned a bomb that looked inofensive but blew myself up

I spawned 100 ropes because I didn't knew how to remove them

I got "Bad Coder" achievement in 5 minutes of gameplay.

I dont know how to make engines/buttons /etc work

-help lame me with stuff I should know-

seriously halp

i cant tell if this is a joke or not

You can remove things with the remover tool in your menu
and theres a undo key.

also the combine copter only takes explosive damage so yeah.

How do you get Bad Coder achievement?

Download GMod Tower and play just that.

How do you get Bad Coder achievement?
stuffloads of lua errors

How do you get Bad Coder achievement?
install an addon and wait for garry to update gmod

install an addon and wait for garry to update gmod
Install any two addons.

I downloaded the "wiremod" since I was recommended to.

how do I use it?

There should be a manual on it on Gmod's community hub. Look for it in guides.

if you try to lower the helicopters health to 1 and shoot it with a rocket launcher or anything else the game will crash so pretty much the combine chopper is the devil among us

to remove things hold c
mouse over the object you wish to banish to the pits of never ending hell
right click
and hit remove