
How happy are you?

Very happy
30 (17.3%)
41 (23.7%)
Just ok
52 (30.1%)
Not happy
14 (8.1%)
Very unhappy
5 (2.9%)
31 (17.9%)

Total Members Voted: 173

Author Topic: Are you happy?  (Read 4367 times)

So many first world problems in here.

my parents got me a s3 instead of the s4 i want to commit Self Delete now :*(((

Yeah I'd say I don't have any major problems that I can complain about
But I'm mad at myself because I procrastinate too much  :panda:

I am the happiest mother forgeter in the planet.

So many first world problems in here.
>implying losing my diablo save is anything less than a national tragedy

>implying losing my diablo save is anything less than a national tragedy

depends on which Diablo game.


I'm doing okay. My thoughts are a little scrambled at the moment though.

Things aren't all that great but I'm alright


I'm doing okay. My thoughts are a little scrambled at the moment though.
Day 3: The chickens get angrier and more aggressive everyday
I think they're going to revolt

Haha this is what I was thinking while taking care of my neighbors chickens. Every day they got more aggressive in trying to get out of their pen

Decently happy today, just waiting for some people to wake up still.

I'm still a shy kid, but it's not only that - I just have trouble communicating with my peers face to face. The weird thing is, I can have hour-long conversations with adults and the elderly, but I can't have a 30 second long ongoing discussion with a teenager my age.
exactly the same
basically im just ok.