
How happy are you?

Very happy
30 (17.3%)
41 (23.7%)
Just ok
52 (30.1%)
Not happy
14 (8.1%)
Very unhappy
5 (2.9%)
31 (17.9%)

Total Members Voted: 173

Author Topic: Are you happy?  (Read 4370 times)

This is a very general question. I am, and I mean are you happy with the quality with your life and everything all together.

Depends on the day. I'm basically a cheerful cynical insomniac.

some parts are great and some parts are bad so I'm ok

im very happy. but still very unsatisfied. like there is much more to complete :D

I'm happy, but I don't have millions of dollars

Canada beat US in the Olympics hockey again so I'm happy.

After diagnosing myself with chronic depression and slitting my wrists to get attention i have to say I'm not quite satisfied.

I'm actually in a pretty good mood. But I can't smile :c