Author Topic: ❤❤ Renekar's Family-Friendly Friend Making Server [nevermind. server issues] ❤❤  (Read 2649 times)

[[[[[Renekar's Family-Friendly Friend Making Server]]]]]
You are all alone. You just got bullied at school. You are thinking of Self Delete. You just think that life is just sad. You can't take it anymore.

Well not to worry ol' pal! With my help you will become so excited and happy like a little 2nd grader! With lots of rooms to hang out in, and family friendly activities, you will always be part of the fun! Your suicidal thoughts will disappear like a bad guy being brought to justice!

Please do not hold up the game.

Join us, you'll love it here!
« Last Edit: March 09, 2014, 03:10:38 PM by Renekar »

how did you know i needed a server like this

yes best server 10/10

how did you know i needed a server like this
Quote from: Blake1 Profile
age: 666

how did you know i'm satan and i want to ruin the poor 2nd graders lives forever???? this topic is filled with psychics

how did you know i needed a server like this
Quote from: Blake1 Profile
age: 666

You think that Blake's profile is bad? Check out this guy.

You think that Blake's profile is bad? Check out this guy.
oh wow meanie!!

You think that Blake's profile is bad? Check out this guy.

That is not friendly.

this is wher all the cool kids hang out.
swag yolo

You think that Blake's profile is bad? Check out this guy.
lol oldest trick in the book

Wow, i never thought i'd see a server like this. Now i can be fwendly whiwth evweyrone!!!11!!1!11:cookiemsonse:

this is wher all the cool kids hang out.
swag yolo

best server 2014, said gary coleman piss party.

playing this is actually pretty intense

i mean it's just very "kill or be killed" and tires me out