Author Topic: Eventing should be more like Programming  (Read 2638 times)

You guys are acting like this is MORE complicated. It's less. It's basically connect-the-dots but with actions instead of dots. This will allow for much less linear eventing and a whole new world of functionality. Much like Wiremod or LBP2 logic, it's easy to learn (easier than what we have) but has all sorts of cooler features.
It's more complicated for people like me who are used to eventing.

Also you need to play more games then

This won't happen.
Extremely picky am I.

I doubt Badspot is going to implement this in any way.
The current event system still works great and it has already many addons.
Redoing the event system means redoing all those addons.
It also means redoing all and every save with events.
So nope, that is not going to happen.

Sure, the event system needs an update.
A previous thread had some neat ideas expanding on the current system.

Events are used to quickly add some small programming code into a save.
If you want to go more complex, make a script.

plus I suck at scripting and programming unless it's something visual or tangible, but maybe that's just me.
"no syntax necessary" is what I like to say. Just logic.
Well that is your problem, not the problem of the community or Badspot.
Make an addon that does all this and use it yourself.

It's a neat idea and I imagine if done right, the existing events system can basically be ported over with existing events converted since each line can basically be boiled down to input(args) --bool-> delay --bool-> output(args), and having the existing simple events GUI and existing events addons wouldn't be unachievable in addition to the more advanced system.

The more technical limitation is that events are basically just some callbacks and whatnot shoehorned in to Torque's schedule system.  Not much extra magic going on aside from what's already there.  This would need to be a much more from the ground up sort of addition to the engine.  It'd be a lot of work and may possibly even not perform well.  If it continued to use the schedules system, each block may take an entire server tick to evaluate and large functions would perform poorly (unless you parallelized them).

Alright, since you guys can't seem to grasp a modular event system, here's a diagram explaining it.

I am definitely going to try making this at some point.

Well that is basically what I said.
I don't know what the blueprints are like in UE4, but I didn't mean it as a new idea - it's the same as OP, I was only trying to explain it better.

Alright, since you guys can't seem to grasp a modular event system, here's a diagram explaining it.

[IM G width=800][/img]

I still find that more complicated than regular eventing.
Now I gotta follow a web of connected boxes to understand whats going on.

Still don't like the idea.

I don't know what the blueprints are like in UE4, but I didn't mean it as a new idea - it's the same as OP, I was only trying to explain it better.
Blueprint is their visual scripting solution and it's amazing

i like this idea

but the forget am i gonna do with sine waves

OP should replace his picture with Tristant's, it's much nicer.

Anyways I think this is a cool idea, but it would take a complete rewrite of the event system, including the way their saved (meaning all event builds would stop working, unless someone wrote a 'converter' for them.

I still find that more complicated than regular eventing.
Now I gotta follow a web of connected boxes to understand whats going on.
I'm sure you'd figure it out easily.
Honestly, I find that easier to understand that the current eventing system the first time I saw it

Redoing the event system means redoing all those addons.
It also means redoing all and every save with events.
Saves would likely have to be remade, as the events would be stored differently.
Inputs and outputs would still work the same, they may be triggered differently, but once triggered, they'd still do the same thing, so most add-ons would still work.
« Last Edit: March 21, 2014, 03:52:39 PM by Headcrab Zombie »

Saves would likely have to be remade, as the events would be stored differently.
There can always be a legacy support thing.

Saves would likely have to be remade, as the events would be stored differently.
not... exactly

onPlayerTouch > Player > kill
onPlayerTouch > Brick > SpawnExplosion

if it was like tristan said, it would read that, make 5 boxes (or three, I think)
1 onPlayerTouch box
1 playerKill box
1 spawnExplosion box

it would link the player touch box to both of the others

not... exactly

onPlayerTouch > Player > kill
onPlayerTouch > Brick > SpawnExplosion

if it was like tristan said, it would read that, make 5 boxes (or three, I think)
1 onPlayerTouch box
1 playerKill box
1 spawnExplosion box

it would link the player touch box to both of the others
Probably only two boxes, it doesn't make much since for the object to be different from the output. I would think it would be part of the output settings.