Author Topic: Blockland Identification Project - Mod Update 2  (Read 4262 times)

My server has been unable to post. The error keeps showing up.

Not sure how you're struggling so much to host a JSON API, need some advice?

Not sure how you're struggling so much to host a JSON API, need some advice?
it appears to just be /list. but any advice is welcome.
it is back up and /list is removed, no problems should persist.
« Last Edit: March 24, 2014, 01:57:04 PM by 0xBRIANSMITH »

Is /list inefficient, or is the web server overloaded?

Is /list inefficient, or is the web server overloaded?
/list is dumb I guess, my queries seem to be logical though. w/e I'll figure it out.

My server is still having problems connecting.

My server is still having problems connecting.
Deactivate the package for now, im going to have to completely rewrite the server. Ugh

Deactivate the package for now, im going to have to completely rewrite the server. Ugh
What's the name of the package?