Author Topic: Japanese Pagoda RELEASE- 26,183 bricks  (Read 3254 times)

Okay, so i know I've had this build around since like, last year, but i never officially released it, and i always wanted to, but never got around to it. I've been sleepy around gallery these pasts months but i don't want to stop being relevant(if i ever was, lol), so i've decided to punch this one out, clean it up a little bit,and release it to the public.
This build was my app to COHORT, but i have no qualms with you guys using it. It's a fun little japan themed build, with two big pagodas in the center, a big shrine to the left, a gazebo, and another, smaller shrine to the right, with some nice terrain details to boot. it is completely default, colorset and bricks.

click for larger

Download here:

and i'm gonna start releasing more of my builds, i have one in the pipe i haven't worked on in a while that i will finalize and put it here.


Only 26k bricks on that beautiful piece of art!? Wow I'm amazed.

smexy build from a smexy guy.
Being 100% default makes it that much better.

You'll always be relevant in my book, Anti.

will use for quake :D gj mang

Only 26k bricks on that beautiful piece of art!? Wow I'm amazed.

I don't know how the heck people can manage to build that well unless they were under hypnosis or something.

This is even more amazing since it's default.

Only 26k bricks on that beautiful piece of art!? Wow I'm amazed.

thanks guys, ;)

I don't know how the heck people can manage to build that well unless they were under hypnosis or something.

This is even more amazing since it's default.
i am pretty sure i spent two weeks on it when i was building it, and man that was an awesome two weeks.

okay okay i know i've done this before but

coming VERY soon (tonight, if i go full crackhead mode)

My jimmies are rustled.

You should give some tips for people at how to make detailed builds without raping the brickcont, this is incredible, I will seriously give you a 10/10 rate excelent job man

You should give some tips for people at how to make detailed builds without raping the brickcont, this is incredible, I will seriously give you a 10/10 rate excelent job man
i've been meaning to do my terraining tutorial, but imageshack stopped working for free so if someone has a way to upload a lot of pictures easily tell me