Author Topic: Freinds and other people can't join server....  (Read 3299 times)

I wanna know if the datablocks are involved in this,they are OTL

I wanna know if the datablocks are involved in this,they are OTL
No. Your datablocks have nothing to do with your hosting ability. I've given you all the resources you should need to port-forward, you're simply too incompetent and I will not hold your hand through this. If you want to figure it out, look at the guides I've linked multiple times now. Once you're logged into the router it doesn't matter if you're on a mac or windows, it works the same way.
There, find your password of your model router.
If you can't get in even if you tried the correct password, probably a family member has changed it.

If you got into your router, follow this link and find your model again, then select Blockland and follow the tutorial.