Background: Mortis Ghost opened the shop to fix his toilet but so many people bought his stuff that it crashed. but, it's up now so buy some art.
hello this is boat,
the toilet of our house, to Mortis and me, are broken. Mortis is sleeping all the day and all my money is going to the rent, so I can’t pay a plumber to fix it. So I forced him to build a little web-shop to sell some Off-related stuff. Thank you ! Have a good day
PS : This is boat writing, not Mortis at all

I'm Mortis Ghost, I speak to you with my mind, from Dinorobotopia, a magic city of the future. I also own a boat and a bicycle. I lied about the bicycle.
And a little picture of the batter with lot of eyes and Zacharie with a huge sweater neck, to thank you once again.

that wasn't the art that was just some stuff from his blog but yeah check it out it's really cool but each one is $13
also some of the descriptions are kinda of funny