Author Topic: grounded for a week  (Read 3620 times)

You put relish on hot dogs you loving rtards.
Ketchup does not go on hotdogs.
Your father is completely in the right.
ketchup doesn't go on hotdogs, mustard does
u loving wot m8s

He sounds like my grandfather, if this is legit. It's truly ridiculous.

Sauce is sauce

Besides, barbecue is where its at.

At least none of you are like my mother.
She drowns her hot dogs in sauerkraut and relish. It's disgusting.

Hah. I put ketchup AND mustard on my hotdogs.

On topic,I don't put stuff on hotdogs.

Hah. I put ketchup AND mustard on my hotdogs.
Same here.

On topic,I don't put stuff on hotdogs.

Well, stuff also doesn't belong on a hotdog. Why would you want to eat a stuffdog?

chili cheese and onions motherforgeters

haha this is definitely a joke thread but what the forget lol

America doesn't have brown sauce, does it?

this is bullstuff
I put ketchup on my hotdogs all the time so I don't see what the big deal is

America doesn't have brown sauce, does it?
the heck is that? Is it like BBQ sauce?

lmao holy stuff what

guys maybe its ketchup culture