
Author Topic: Surveillance  (Read 3593 times)

I was wondering if it were at all possible to make a camera-like object, that feeds surveillance video to a monitor-like object. I'm guessing it would work like a capture device. And it would need some way to display the video on something. Any ideas/Volunteers?

Not possible without tremendous lag.


  • Administrator
Displaying on a surface in the game = not possible without engine modification and I'm not going to do it.

However, making a monitor that you walk up and click on and then your view switches to a camera view is completely possible. 

And in what way would we use this for?

Well considering that I'm an utter noob at scripting, is anyone willing to help me script/make a surveillance system using what Badspot already said? If not does anyone have an idea to get me started?

And in what way would we use this for?
I was just thinking of a cool and useful idea. For instance if you wanted to ever run a corporation in an RPG server, you might want to have someone run surveillance for the front door. Or it could somehow be fit into Cops & Robbers.

And in what way would we use this for?
I was just thinking of a cool and useful idea. For instance if you wanted to ever run a corporation in an RPG server, you might want to have someone run surveillance for the front door. Or it could somehow be fit into Cops & Robbers.


Hey , but didn't some one make a a rear view mirror . ( I think it might have been , rtb though ) .

Hey , but didn't some one make a a rear view mirror . ( I think it might have been , rtb though ) .
Badspot stated that it was impossible to display a video on a surface in the game, so it must've been in rtb.

It was just as impossible (if not more) in RTB, since RTB was just an add-on for BLv2. We're on v8 now. The rear-view mirror mod was in one of the more current versions I think.

However, making a monitor that you walk up and click on and then your view switches to a camera view is completely possible. 
Aye vrly, there was that mod in RTB that had the screen switch which was kickass.

However, making a monitor that you walk up and click on and then your view switches to a camera view is completely possible. 
Aye vrly, there was that mod in RTB that had the screen switch which was kickass.

someone make this NAO

Displaying on a surface in the game = not possible without engine modification and I'm not going to do it.

However, making a monitor that you walk up and click on and then your view switches to a camera view is completely possible. 

if someone were to do this it could be quite usefull. For those thinking HOW? don't post it, just think creativly.

However, making a monitor that you walk up and click on and then your view switches to a camera view is completely possible. 

Nitramtj did t his in RTB, I looked at it and I 'spose I could make something like that for Retail if it's wanted.

However, making a monitor that you walk up and click on and then your view switches to a camera view is completely possible. 

Nitramtj did t his in RTB, I looked at it and I 'spose I could make something like that for Retail if it's wanted.

That would be greatly appreciated.