Author Topic: Mikisugi needs an avatar.  (Read 1198 times)

Mikisugi needs an avatar and Mikisugi is coming to the forums for an avatar

anyone got any good avatars?

Ya but you'd get banned for using them.

mikisugi talks in the third person evidently

Yes, Steve is pleased to find someone who talks in 3rd person as he does occasionally.

don't take it mikisugi

unless you enjoy sleepless nights

f3d323 says mikisugi needs a basketball as an avatar

I've had this thing for some reason, take it if you want.

Valkerone has very lovey avatar. Valkerone speaks caveman language.

here take this i guess

its meh but i can edit it more if you want

become one of us.
use my old avatar it will make me feel happy :)