Author Topic: Teaser - 1x1f  (Read 2374 times)

I'm working on an 'animation' in Blockland.

The story is, a Blockhead joins a server. All he finds is a house with nobody around. The blockhead places a 1x1f and leaves.

The reason why I'm giving you this teaser is to see if this first scene is good, before carrying on making the project (making animation takes a long time.)

Here's what I got so far.

(click for large)

If you think anything can be improved, and maybe ideas to be added, this is the time.

What 1x1's do when no ones around = Toy story.

is it going to infect the world

Journey of the 1x1f: A quest to find the Blockhead

is it going to infect the world
There's nothing except a house.

Journey of the 1x1f: A quest to find the Blockhead

I have a different idea of a story, I only told the beginning of it, and once it's done it should be good.
I wonder if anyone can guess it.

Journey of the 1x1f: A quest to find the Blockhead

"Tear jerking experience no other movie has done before." -Gamespot

Why would it take a long time to do this?

Why would it take a long time to do this?
why wouldn't it

you cannot rush art

Why would it take a long time to do this?
Having to make each frame, also later there would be more stuff happening in the movie, so I would have to edit more bricks for each frame.

When a Blockhead mates with the Super Creeper?

I suggest using transparent behind it as the trail