Author Topic: Chrono - speaks for itself  (Read 5009 times)

im not
you post a lot of dramas and too quickly  when something happens
Also half the time you're just overreacting

NOEDIT: you're always posting a drama
LOL look who's talking.

Also half the time you're just overreacting
Not really, and this coming from the guy who overreacted to stuff after someone "defaced" his "glorious art".
Im not trying to start stuff either, I'm just saying.

Not really, and this coming from the guy who overreacted to stuff after someone "defaced" his "glorious art".
Im not trying to start stuff either, I'm just saying.
I never said it was glorious wtf

he seems like an ok guy.

Deliberately refusing to answer someone's question and/or potentially confusing them under the pretext of joking around is no way to behave regardless of whether or not you're on the internet and regardless of whether or not they're a troll. Chances are you wouldn't do it in real life so what makes you think it's okay to do on the internet? If you're going to do stuff like this then don't get bent out of shape when someone calls you out on it and tells you to stop.

Deliberately refusing to answer someone's question and/or potentially confusing them under the pretext of joking around is no way to behave regardless of whether or not you're on the internet and regardless of whether or not they're a troll. Chances are you wouldn't do it in real life so what makes you think it's okay to do on the internet? If you're going to do stuff like this then don't get bent out of shape when someone calls you out on it and tells you to stop.
and even if you don't agree with this, drama'ing someone for being mad you inconvenienced someone else is maddening

what the forget, the shrek meme has spread to here too?

I thought I only had to deal with this stuff on tumblr for forgets sake

what the forget, the shrek meme has spread to here too?

I thought I only had to deal with this stuff on tumblr for forgets sake
BL forums is tumblr v2 I thought we all knew this

I, the ogrelord, does not approve.
you know what was funny 6 months ago


Chrono is awesome. This topic is stupid and I would go further into it but I'm currently at work and don't feel like typing it on my phone.

I admitted the topic was an overreactive stuffbag so can we let it die now?

i love chrono :) nothing anybody ever says will change that!!!!

i love chrono :) nothing anybody ever says will change that!!!!
uh crono said u were a stupid poop buttm :///