Author Topic: jacobbarany - Altidias wants BLHack.dll  (Read 6561 times)

I was gonna keep this under the table, but then he threatened me. So now I am here.

User was banned for this post
« Last Edit: May 06, 2014, 04:30:51 AM by Badspot »

He uses blhack

He uses blhack
There's already a drama topic about me having it. I will not get banned for having it.
I will get banned for distributing it to idiots like you.

It's about to get real

He uses blhack
How many times does this have to be said
Badspot does not ban people for using BLhack, only for giving it out

Here's my drama topic as proof
(Please do not bump this. It's on page 3)

I am Aduioa.

You created this thread to brag that you hack and that Badspot's not going to ban you. Aren't you just so cool.

"u want a fite m8 il dramra u"

this is something you do not say

You created this thread to brag that you hack and that Badspot's not going to ban you. Aren't you just so cool.
Hardly bragging. You guys wanna attack me for not distributing the hack? I think I am doing the right thing here. Altidias has a malicious mind, and has malicious intentions.

So why do you even still have it? You should delete it after giving it to me right away so this doesn't happen again.

Before some idiot comes in here guns-a-blazin', I was joking.

CCa, how did you get BLHack?