Author Topic: Jesus loving Christ  (Read 6837 times)

Titanium Man/Omicron Corp here. My brother kept pestering me the whole day so I set him up with a Blockland Forums account so he can pester someone else instead of me.

And jesus loving christ, I am losing my balls and my sides are skyrocketing into space from everything he is posting. Epitome of stupidity but come on, he's 7. He'll probably stay on here for about a day or 2 more

User was banned for this post
I wonder if his "little brother" got his last 5 accounts banned too?;u=133543;u=52962;u=48293;u=42523;u=18611

Considering the first account was made in 2009, that's some pretty good work for a 2 year old.


Titanium man forget one important thing:

Badspot never believes in brothers.

I wonder if his "little brother" got his last 5 accounts banned too?;u=133543;u=52962;u=48293;u=42523;u=18611

Considering the first account was made in 2009, that's some pretty good work for a 2 year old.

I mean, he posted a picture of his little brother holding up a sign here. He also never claimed that his brother had anything to do with his other accounts, so I'm not sure why you made a connection.

I knew Omicron Corp, Titanium Man and Communist. This is a real shame

I was banking on the hope that he would get banned when I hit the report button. gg no re

I don't think it was him :I