Author Topic: If you were God, what would you do?  (Read 2670 times)

Create a black hole with this mass:
2.37 x (10^9999999999999^99999999999999^99999999999) grams.
And then insert into the center of the universe. With it's gigantic mass, the black hole would suck every single piddling iota of matter up in a nanosecond.
woah what out fellas this guy here has a physics degree.

lets hope he doesn't gets a philosophy one next.

I'd just sit around Earth as an immortal doing nothing but try to amuse myself.

Probably make magic real.

Probably boot up some other pagan gods and watch them enact their own version of the Apocalypse all at once. God included, because it'd be hilarious if the horsemen aren't being allowed to do their stuff because Cthulhu.
« Last Edit: May 07, 2014, 11:01:58 PM by LegendZ »

bring back everything that's extinct + make dragons exist
then sit back and watch how people handle this

i'll also invert shadows because why not

I would greatly enjoy being able to watch time pass, just to see what happens.
sims 3 basically
sims 3
without a mouse

I would be nice and allow people to question why they are the son of a greek god (I will make them real).

i would make friends