Author Topic: "Honorary Tumblr Feminist Andrea Mears" beats the stuff out of teenage boy  (Read 8820 times)

Feminists piss me off so much. Obviously if they actually wanted gender equality they wouldn't call themselves feminists which is automatically gender-biased.

A quick search through the Andrea Mears tag shows that literally no one there is supporting her and regarding her as a sociopathic forget
you cant seriously expect the loving idiots in this thread to actually learn things about the site they're complaining about, right?

All feminists are on their periods.

you cant seriously expect the loving idiots in this thread to actually learn things about the site they're complaining about, right?
Well how much research did you do on the topic?

you cant seriously expect the loving idiots in this thread to actually learn things about the site they're complaining about, right?
Well from what I have seen there is a guy minding his own business, then this bitch comes out of no where to try and get the cops to come over. After being disappointed, she attacks the kid. Apparently she is frequent user of the blog called tumblr and calls herself a feminist. Tumblrists then outcast her after negative feed bad and outcry.

Give me a banana plz.

Yeah seriously, enough with the hate on feminists. Most aren't really like this, I'm a feminist and I think that this woman is nuts, nor does she have anything to do with feminism. Not even all tumblr feminists are bad (alot are, but not all).


i honestly thought she put him in a goddamn nature boy figure four leg lock for a second

makes me sad that this happened in my state. but i can't say i wasn't surprised either. welcome to connecticut, people

*shoots random civilians* I'M FROM THE GOVERNMENT

president impeached
for feminism as a whole i'd say it's more like a couple thousand government agents running through the streets gunning down pedestrians
then the president says they're not all like that and everybody cuts him slack

i think that the inherent problem with feminism is that some people dont understand what the meaning of the phrase "gender equality" is.

I've got to say if it were me I don't know if I would have been able to not hit her.