Author Topic: The Text Emote Thread  (Read 5672 times)

Am I the only one who despises any emotes like 0.o or -_-

I mean ;-; and ^.^ are okay sometimes but I hate it when people use anything besides the really simple faces like c: or :3
xD and ^^ and anything with a period for a mouth is rage-inducing to me
-_- is hate itself

xD and ^^ and anything with a period for a mouth is rage-inducing to me
-_- is hate itself

xD and ^^ and anything with a period for a mouth is rage-inducing to me
-_- is hate itself
XD makes me want to punch unborn babies and stuff them in a blender.

Also try breaking up with a person in a serious manner and having them reply with just "o.0"

Also try breaking up with a person in a serious manner and having them reply with just "o.0"

xD and ^^ and anything with a period for a mouth is rage-inducing to me
-_- is hate itself
tears of sheer joy

-_- looks like a face that hates you with a passion in annoyance standards for a reason that you don't know and you just gotta feel like "why does that guy hate me i mean he even used a -_- face"

XD is the "died of laughter face" that secretly is a jellyfish. it's ugly and it looks like something you want to punch

xD is less punchable but it's still the kind of thing that exists merely to be disliked

^.^ is a mouse. it's definitely a mouse.

:3 is a cat. it kills the mouse. :3 ^.^
« Last Edit: June 14, 2014, 10:27:20 PM by CharlesSpeaking »

XD makes me want to punch unborn babies and stuff them in a blender.

tears of sheer joy

-_- looks like a face that hates you with a passion in annoyance standards for a reason that you don't know and you just gotta feel like "why does that guy hate me i mean he even used a -_- face"
-_- is the emote equivalent of "ugh, whateverrrr"
it's terrible and reminds me of my younger self
i used it all the time. regret overwhelms me

-_- is the emote equivalent of "ugh, whateverrrr"
people call it an annoyed face but when it's used relevant to me it's like they are deeply annoyed by my very existence and wish nothing but for my death

or maybe i jsut feel that way because that's how i feel about the face

XD makes me want to punch unborn babies and stuff them in a blender.

Also try breaking up with a person in a serious manner and having them reply with just "o.0"
holy stuff IT'S LIZZY

people call it an annoyed face but when it's used relevant to me it's like they are deeply annoyed by my very existence and wish nothing but for my death

or maybe i jsut feel that way because that's how i feel about the face
I used to feel that way, I still hate that face with a passion but since my friends constantly misuse it, it stopped phasing me.

holy stuff IT'S LIZZY