Author Topic: Coolbros and cigaretteolas v.1(?)  (Read 4035 times)

when can i be a cool guy?


Lord Tony
Why are people still bitching about Tony?

put me on cigaretteolas pls

ah well i guess i just wont respond to furdle anymore lol

nickelob ultra
queeba, other idiots (maxx)


and like everyone else

how cna i aply to be a cigaretteolas??

Why are people still bitching about Tony?

As a reminder not to repeat history.

As a reminder not to repeat history.

Continuing to harbor hate for him is self-destructive and redundant.

Continuing to harbor hate for him is self-destructive and redundant.

Is it wrong to expose something to prevent people from doing the same stupid stuff as he did?

Is it wrong to expose something to prevent people from doing the same stupid stuff as he did?
Yeah we've already been over it and you don't have to bring it up.
You're beating a dead horse.

Is it wrong to expose something to prevent people from doing the same stupid stuff as he did?

Hate the crime, not the criminal that was locked away years ago. You'll accomplish much more that way.

chumps: everyone else
super chump: hodot
« Last Edit: June 20, 2014, 12:59:30 PM by Epicduke »

when can i be a cool guy?
Sorry mod-man, you must be this tall to enter.

Hate the crime, not the criminal that was locked away years ago. You'll accomplish much more that way.

I can hate an action, but that doesn't get me anywhere. I can ban the actions all I want, but if there is no one that I can use as a prime example for breaking the crime, I'll sound like I'm using spectral evidence.

Yeah we've already been over it and you don't have to bring it up.
You're beating a dead horse.

But there are his white knights that still haven't died off. The spirit just tends to linger, and for as long as it lingers, I'll make a stand against it.