ResonKinetic - Trying to stir stuff/be as insulting as possible

Author Topic: ResonKinetic - Trying to stir stuff/be as insulting as possible  (Read 1869 times)

ResonKinetic is going out of his way to be an starfish to me, repeatedly saying I'm stuff and that I suck at everything

The first time, saying I will never be a good artist
whether something was worked hard on or not doesn't mean it doesn't look bad

and it's not just because it's furfriendry. even furry stuff can be artistically made
but it definitely won't be made by blouk  :cookieMonster:

He feels that I can't hate people for calling me stuff
uh oh somebody hates me because of my opinion oh stuff

If I don't have to be polite I won't!!!
then apply the skill
why should i when i don't have to

Apparently calling someone stuff isn't supposed to be offensive at all
Wouldn't you be pissed off if someone said that you're stuff and that you will never amount to anything

but obviously you would be


Badger calls him out for what he assumes to be trying to start arguments...
Imo reason is looking to purposely start an argument
then justifies by saying
i don't do anything on purpose
Really? Then I guess you didnt mean to insult me time and time again after?

In another thread. ANOTHER THREAD he says im stuff, AGAIN
blouk you can be non-neat

Then he turns around a joke
blouk you can be non-neat sometimes but youre usually neato benito
and uses it to stuff on me AGAIN
no he meant neato benito, as in Blue Meanie.

as in he's only ever good when he's a fascist ruler and forces everyone to like him

again suggesting I'm not good in general, and as a bonus suggesting that nobody likes me

I'm getting sick of your stuff

you can't reason with reson

tip: dramas are useless

not necessarily
they can be effective at times

dramas tend to open people's eyes to their behavior

he tries way hard to be cool

reson only does this because he thinks it's cool to be a "supre asshat!", and he tries to hard to be that person

it's honestly pretty dumb and he does that to a lot of people, just don't let him get to you, because you're overly sensitive and it's really annoying as well.

you're overly sensitive and it's really annoying as well.
not really compared to a lot of people on the internet

I don't flip out when people point out specific things that I need to work on
I do flip out when im told that my art is trash or that I'm no good, or
annoying furry whose art makes me cringe

exactly. you get baited easily. you actually CARE about what people say about you when most people here really couldn't care less about what anyone calls them/thinks about them.

that's bad enough

exactly. you get baited easily. you actually CARE about what people say about you when most people here really couldn't care less about what anyone calls them/thinks about them.

that's bad enough

Just because you can be an asshat doesn't mean you should

There is natural consequences to stuffty behavior

I mean, it's good to not let trolls/tryhards get to you, but completely ignoring them and not calling them out doesn't make them stop nexessarily

idk, its late, my thoughts are scrambled