Author Topic: What do you think about girls in Blockland?  (Read 5843 times)

Hello everyone.

At first I want to tell you I'm sorry but my grammar isn't great (I'm not native english speaker). There's a reason why I tell you all that.

So I'm a girl and I really hope that in this forum anyone would believe that. I'm 20 also. I know, in Blockland it may seem weird that there is a girl and 20 years old. However, I'm quite a gamer, I play not only Blockland. There wasn't any other game where everyone doesn't believe that I'm really a girl. In Badspots server I was told that I'm a child enthusiast and a liar just because I told them that I'm 20 years old girl (they asked me my age) and I made some mistakes in grammar. Just because of these people I don't even want to play Blockland, at least right now, I really dissapointed about that. I know, there is stupid people everywhere but it seems that in Blockland community no one believes that there could be a girl, that if there wasn't any girl before, it can't be now.

So my question is - what do you think about it? Am I really the only one like this here?

I really hope to find some mature people here who don't yell at me that I'm a child enthusiast, transgender or a liar without any proof.
I could prove you that I'm a girl, however, don't ask me this because I don't want to reveal any personal information in this forum.

why would you go out and announce this unless you clearly weren't a girl
why should it even matter in the first place

im gonna tell you right now this was a horrible idea

Just ignore them idiotes, you can't change their mind anyways.

Pics or it didn't happen

I think everyone on here is gonna be a little hesitant to just accept something as true without proof.  

On the other hand, I don't think what gender you are is really that important as long as you don't go attention whoring and are at least somewhat mature.  

"Because for some reason, its just tooo imposible for there to be girls on the internet" that stuff is so stupid . Anyways hope you have fun here even if noone believes you are a girl.

i think the people calling you a child enthusiast were joking. if they weren't then - well - you know who's right.
also "transgender"? wrong card.
I guess the only advice i could give would be to not ever make a big deal out of your real identity. don't purposefully bring up age, heritage or gender. the internet is the only place where you can forget that kind of restrictive stuff and just get along with people. or do the opposite.

I think everyone on here is gonna be a little hesitant to just accept something as true without proof.
Proof... If you are not a girl you don't need any proof but if you're a girl you need proof? That's not how things should work.

I wouldn't care that much if anyone believes me if I'm a girl or if I'm 20 years old but when someone tells me that I'm a child enthusiast - that's an insult. And it's stupid. I didn't say anything bad to anyone but they wanted me banned from the server just because of the truth.

i think the people calling you a child enthusiast were joking.
I don't think so.

im gonna tell you right now this was a horrible idea
You may be right.

If there's one thing I've learned from playing games with Sham and Diz, it's that it's extremely unlikely for your gender to ever matter.

girls have cooties eeww

If there's one thing I've learned from playing games with Sham and Diz, it's that it's extremely unlikely for your gender to ever matter.
Well, it doesn't matter when you're playing and you're not saying anything about your gender or age. I didn't told anyone about my age or gender only when one person asked my age and there we go - I'm a child enthusiast and suddenly age and gender matters to someone.

Pro-tip OP; I'm not going to jump to any conclusions here, but if you're pretending to be a girl in order to receive attention, white knights, money or anything that you could personally benefit from, you won't find it here unless you are an actual living breathing female. Instead, you'll find that your reputation here will be extremely short lived and you'll be taken seriously by none.

Ontopic, however, I really have no thoughts about it. They're just players. A friend of mine that I met here, Sorrel, is a female, and you probably wouldn't even know unless you asked her. Just a really normal, friendly, contributor to the community. It's the kind of girls that go around constantly reminding everyone that they are a girl that are probably more or less to be avoided.

If your gender makes absolutely no difference on your experience in a community, then you shouldn't even have to bring it up. Ever.

If you joined the server and announced "hi guys im a 20 year old girl" you deserved to get stuff on for it, if you were legitimately responding to a question then it doesn't matter the slightest bit.

So what this guy just said

Pro-tip OP; I'm not going to jump to any conclusions here, but if you're pretending to be a girl in order to receive attention, white knights, money or anything that you could personally benefit from, you won't find it here unless you are an actual living breathing female. Instead, you'll find that your reputation here will be extremely short lived and you'll be taken seriously by none.

Ontopic, however, I really have no thoughts about it. They're just players. A friend of mine that I met here, Sorrel, is a female, and you probably wouldn't even know unless you asked her. Just a really normal, friendly, contributor to the community. It's the kind of girls that go around constantly reminding everyone that they are a girl that are probably more or less to be avoided.

If your gender makes absolutely no difference on your experience in a community, then you shouldn't even have to bring it up. Ever.

Just a really normal, friendly, contributor to the community. It's the kind of girls that go around constantly reminding everyone that they are a girl that are probably more or less to be avoided.

As long as you aren't a terrible person, the community will accept you. 

I've never had a problem with it. Furling has worse grammar and is apparently in his 40's. Most people like him

Well, it doesn't matter when you're playing and you're not saying anything about your gender or age. I didn't told anyone about my age or gender only when one person asked my age and there we go - I'm a child enthusiast and suddenly age and gender matters to someone.
Ignore them. This isn't complicated.