Author Topic: More TDM interactive Events  (Read 493 times)

so for TDMS so far we have OnPlayerDeath/OnPlayerKill and what not, but i think we need more events that alow us to do more with our TDMs and DMs
i had an idea like this OnPlayerDamaged[Input damage amount] and then go on from there, i would use it like this: OnPlayerDamaged[50]-player-playsound[Im bleedin' here get me a medic]
                 OnPlayerDamaged[90]-player-playsound[HELP IM loving DYING]
or some other Bad company two callout.

this one might be tricky but i was thinking of a way to make a player a mobile spawn point, for example in my TDMS i use spawn rooms and at the end you can choose where to spawn (at base or at a captured flag) well if we use an event like OnActivate-NAMEDPLAYER-SetPlayerTransformRelative we could make TDMs way more team based and require new and or more strategy especially in conquest matches for dealing with holding flags as well as the enemy team's leader we could also use an event like OnMinigameStart-Minigame-PickRandomTeamLeader
then use OnActivate-TeamLeader-SetPlayertransform or

Anyways im done with my rant, if you guys think this is possible definatly comment what you think, if you have any other TDM manipulative ideas do the same.