Create some insults

Author Topic: Create some insults  (Read 6199 times)

"Your cat is an interject-dripping horse and your brother smells like swollen poop."


We're falling below junior high now.

We're falling below junior high now.
"I'm going to vomit on your butt."
I think we just fell lower.

Usage: after someone in a debate says something stupid/fallacious/wrong

"I've heard better arguments from a belching vagina"

I confused your face for a vagina with herpes

"Do you have one of those electric wheelchairs that you drive around with the help of a nurse, or do you get the special needs personnel to push you around in a regular seat for the mentally handicapped?"

Insult Generator
"Piss a pope, you useless nerd."
"I interjected puke inside your uncle's knob and he asked for more."
"Do you have any idea how huge of a deformed grandfather you are."
"I will interject in your starfish."

If zombies existed they wont try to eat your brains CAUSE YOU DONT HAVE ANY
sorry... im bad at this

Well take a dump diarrhea on my labia and lick it up and call me your dog. And you, sir, are a pusillanimous individual and a window!

gee thanks insult generated

Insult Generator
This site cracks me up.

"Your dog is a frog and your grandmother smells like loving interject."
"You, sir, are a rabbit and a pony."
"Swallow a cousin, you bartender!"

David Cage is a better writer than you.
If you went to a sperm bank, they'd accept your spit.
Your relationships last about as long as one of Betel's alts.

You disgrace the 3.5 billion years it took to develop life with your stupidity.

You proved the timeline corruption hypothesis false as eliminating your presence would have no effect.

From the insult generator

"What the magic cumfingers are you doing, you window-licker."