
[New Vote] Should bullets raycast?

Yes, Raycasting
No, Use regular projectiles

Author Topic: ••• [Fallout: New Vegas] Wasteland Weapons by Phanto/Mustang ••• V3 •••  (Read 34619 times)

your wood colors are too yellow- and greeny, you need more deep brown colors.
Would be interesting to see someone make a cartoonish wood texture though.

Other than that, I love the style!

your wood colors are too yellow- and greeny, you need more deep brown colors.
Would be interesting to see someone make a cartoonish wood texture though.

Other than that, I love the style!
He probably took the colours straight from the model. Plus due to the lighting the colours make look different in blockland and in fallout.
You can't use textures in blockland weaponry.

You can't use textures in blockland weaponry.
Yes you can. The color on the model themselves are textures, just very simple and one plain color. If you just replaced that plain color texture with a detailed texture, it would still apply to the model and function fine in game.

Yes you can. The color on the model themselves are textures, just very simple and one plain color. If you just replaced that plain color texture with a detailed texture, it would still apply to the model and function fine in game.
brother im not talking in the literal sense

He probably took the colours straight from the model.
Don't know what you mean by "the model", but assuming you mean the new vegas model then:

you are very wrong.

You can't use textures in blockland weaponry.
Yes you can, it has been done and it looked fine.

And i did say "cartoonish" so that it would fit in with the blockland style.


Right, so before you start calling me wrong maybe you'd actually take the time to read what I said?
If he took the colours straight from the game, then the time of day would change what the colours look like.
Secondly, link me a topic to one popular weapon that uses textures rather than colours.
I'll tell you this, in my nearly 8 years of Blockland, I have never seen a weapon use textures well.
So please, tell me again how I'm "very wrong".

I've been talking to Phanto and he's been revoked from Blockland and said he wont be playing for a while, which is a shame. I'm pretty sure his forum account has been banned too so there wont be any updates here.

1.  If he took the colours straight from the game, then the time of day would change what the colours look like.
2.  Secondly, link me a topic to one popular weapon that uses textures rather than colours.
3.  I'll tell you this, in my nearly 8 years of Blockland, I have never seen a weapon use textures well.

1.  Why would he rip a color straight from in-game when he already has a nice neutrally lit picture of it in 2D, that he most likely already used to make the think. Anyways, what Dumbass would rip a color from in-game when the time of day makes the thing be badly lit.
2.  I've done it myself, and i have seen other people do it as well, like Gravity Cat for his scopes and so on. Textures on models look good even if it isn't weapons, see the default player model. I'm sure there have been other people who actually used detailed textures, but i can not remember or have not seen them.
3.  8 years? You should look better. I am pretty sure i posted my textured model on the 3D modelling topic, and it looked fine, even for the stuff job i did. and Gravity Cat's models as well. Though that is a matter of opinion, all i am saying is that it does not look bad, or anything less than ok, if done right.

It saddens me however, that Phanto is not continuing on this pack :/

1.  Why would he rip a color straight from in-game when he already has a nice neutrally lit picture of it in 2D, that he most likely already used to make the think. Anyways, what Dumbass would rip a color from in-game when the time of day makes the thing be badly lit.
2.  I've done it myself, and i have seen other people do it as well, like Gravity Cat for his scopes and so on. Textures on models look good even if it isn't weapons, see the default player model. I'm sure there have been other people who actually used detailed textures, but i can not remember or have not seen them.
3.  8 years? You should look better. I am pretty sure i posted my textured model on the 3D modelling topic, and it looked fine, even for the stuff job i did. and Gravity Cat's models as well. Though that is a matter of opinion, all i am saying is that it does not look bad, or anything less than ok, if done right.

It saddens me however, that Phanto is not continuing on this pack :/

Well obviously he's taken the colour from somewhere, and I'm guessing it's from an in-game shot.
Gravity Cat doesn't use textures for the body of the weapons? (Link: http://forum.blockland.us/index.php?topic=107991.0)
Nobody does because they're ugly. You completely ignored what I said, no popular addon which has been released uses textures for the main body of the gun. Yes, you may have logos or holograms on scopes made with some type of texture, but what we're talking about is actually using textures for the body of the gun.

Gravity Cat doesn't use textures for the body of the weapons?
Nobody does because they're ugly. You completely ignored what I said, no popular addon which has been released uses textures for the main body of the gun. Yes, you may have logos or holograms on scopes made with some type of texture, but what we're talking about is actually using textures for the body of the gun.

They are not textures on the body, but on the model non the less. Just a second ago you have never seen someone use textures on weapons in Blockland, but now you're saying they are ugly. How can you judge how it looks before seeing it. I also don't see why you are ignoring what i said in the first comment ("Would be interesting to see someone make a cartoonish wood texture though") Notice the "Would be" and "Cartoonish" Hence nobody have tried, and frankly, we need more people who experiment.
I also don't see how a texture on a weapon is going to look worse than a texture on a player model.

I bet you think the wood color on the weapon is too light as well, so why are you trying to defend it, it is not a big deal.

your wood colors are too yellow- and greeny, you need more deep brown colors.
Would be interesting to see someone make a cartoonish wood texture though.

Other than that, I love the style!
You could easily modify the color to a texture of your liking in the addon files. I've done it before with other addons.

They are not textures on the body, but on the model non the less. Just a second ago you have never seen someone use textures on weapons in Blockland, but now you're saying they are ugly. How can you judge how it looks before seeing it. I also don't see why you are ignoring what i said in the first comment ("Would be interesting to see someone make a cartoonish wood texture though") Notice the "Would be" and "Cartoonish" Hence nobody have tried, and frankly, we need more people who experiment.
I also don't see how a texture on a weapon is going to look worse than a texture on a player model.

I bet you think the wood color on the weapon is too light as well, so why are you trying to defend it, it is not a big deal.

Just a second ago you have never seen someone use textures on weapons in Blockland, but now you're saying they are ugly.
I'll tell you this, in my nearly 8 years of Blockland, I have never seen a weapon use textures well.

Time to throw my two cents in. Are you even reading what Furdle is writing? You're making yourself seem stupider by the post. If you're going to argue with someone, please don't. This isn't the drama board.

Time to throw my two cents in. Are you even reading what Furdle is writing? You're making yourself seem stupider by the post. If you're going to argue with someone, please don't. This isn't the drama board.
Well sorry if i misread, but that does not change the fact that the color of the wood is too light and that it might look good with a cartoonish wood texture. It is a matter of opinion. (describing it further would be with only a couple of shades of brown and a solid black to define the texture in the wood, kind of a cellshade look if you will)
What bothers me however, is how the guy completely ignored what i was saying and started pushing his opinion on me.

To be honest have i not seen a bad texture on a weapon, could someone link me to it. it certainly can not be that horrible.