Author Topic: google bought twitch  (Read 2762 times)

Dunno why they'd buy a broken pile of stuff like Twitch instead of something that works like Hitbox but whatever, more power to 'em I suppose.

Would Google buy EA or the other way around?

Google would buy EA.

EA is steadily losing money from what I know, I could most likely be wrong though.
Funfact: they apparently had to sell 5,000,000 copies roughly to break even for Dead Space 3.

Besides, Google has billions.

Oh, and Google buying Steam?


Would Google buy EA or the other way around?
I'd probably be happy if Google bought EA.
Then EA would know how it feels to have their dreams crushed by a horrible company.

I'd probably be happy if Google bought EA.
Then EA would know how it feels to have their dreams crushed by a horrible company.
Since when is Google a horrible company. Do you hate free things?

could you imagine

Google buys disney

Since when is Google a horrible company. Do you hate free things?

To be fair, Google+ is almost completetly unnecessary (probably spelled that wrong.),

But I ignore almost everything else.

Chrome > Internet Explorer.
oh hell,
Anything > Internet Explorer.
« Last Edit: July 25, 2014, 01:17:31 AM by Zack »

maybe they'll make twitch run decently.

Or have twitch's vods just go straight to youtube, Twitch vods load so slowly.

To be fair, Google+ is almost completetly unnecessary (probably spelled that wrong.),
Gmail. Google Drive. Google Docs. Google search. Google Play (which is kinda free). Youtube. Calender. Sites. Maps. Translate.

You really have no idea how much this company does do you?

Gmail. Google Drive. Google Docs. Google search. Google Play (which is kinda free). Youtube. Calender. Sites. Maps. Translate.

You really have no idea how much this company does do you?
Also google fibre. And android. And Blogger.
« Last Edit: July 25, 2014, 12:37:48 AM by tails »

google buys blockland

to get your bricks, rather than opening up the brick menu and clicking what you want, you have to google search for the brick you want

Gmail. Google Drive. Google Docs. Google search. Google Play (which is kinda free). Youtube. Calender. Sites. Maps. Translate.

You really have no idea how much this company does do you?

Wait, are you saying it's all good or bad?

I'm mostly neutral in the matter, the only reason I say that is because the whole Google+ and youtube deal, I don't pay enough real attention to the rest personally.

EDIT: and by enjoy everything else, that was a terrible word to chose, I should have said "ignore everything else", fixed.
« Last Edit: July 25, 2014, 01:17:42 AM by Zack »

Do you hate free things?

free as in beer or free as in freedom?

MUH BOTNET anti-google edge

Personally I just hope google refurbish and keep all the big times with a lot of viewers over there while I watch the people I am subscribed to at

its like google and disney are trying to see who can buy other companies faster

Google buys Dreamworks, Disney buys Twitter

google buys blockland

to get your bricks, rather than opening up the brick menu and clicking what you want, you have to google search for the brick you want

Google+ integration to blockland