Author Topic: loving kids today I swear to god  (Read 4607 times)

Id Walk on into their house and gay it up muh boy.

gay also means happy
wow words sometimes have MULTIPLE MEANINGS who would have known
thanks detective da racer64 for saving the day and solving the mystery

Id Walk on into their house and gay it up muh boy.
but they said gays are not allowed in their house, that'd be rude :-(

nice job acting mature i would be absolutely rabid at that point

but they said gays are not allowed in their house, that'd be rude :-(
Fack da po po Im a rebel without a cause.

nice job acting mature i would be absolutely rabid at that point
I would have said I was in fact a flaming rainbow friend unicorn, and would have asked them to prove they were men to dare touch me.

I would then K.O. them and claim it was self-defense.

If you said you were gay and then you beat them up they'd be so embarrassed they never bother you again.

Get all the BLF to walk home with ya.

Knowing a fair bunch of people here have some sort of weapon or something you should be fine.

Then we take over their house, and claim it as our own.

I carry my Karambit on me all the time, damn right stuff would get forgeted up.

He rolled his bike at you?

Damn, I would have had a ball taking his bike and riding off with it taunting him the entire time.

loving kids? ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)