Author Topic: Boodals' Untitled D&D-like RPG  (Read 18043 times)

Oh hey the topic isn't as dead as I thought.
The inventory stuff is going very nicely, mainly thanks to Siba for doing all the client sided stuff.

I host the server pretty much every day, and have done for the last few weeks. The time its up varies a lot though.

Sure, come by the server sometime, or send me a save file, whatever suits you.

Here's a teaser of the Inventory GUI that Siba is making:
Oh jesus thats lovey

Sure, come by the server sometime, or send me a save file, whatever suits you.
I don't have a computer available right now, do you have a dedicated server? If so, I'll try to start work as soon as possible. I'll replicate everything on the topic in my own tastes and show you since I'm unsure as to what you want.

The GUI is impressive, I love inventories that work in that sense, it makes using inventories a little more strategic when it comes to space.

I don't have a computer available right now, do you have a dedicated server? If so, I'll try to start work as soon as possible. I'll replicate everything on the topic in my own tastes and show you since I'm unsure as to what you want.

I don't have a dedi, I just host when I'm in the mood to code. Ill host now for a few hours.

Here's a teaser of the Inventory GUI that Siba is making

Oh hey, that's some fancy stuff. I'm most impressed by the merging slots... Good job Siba (and yourself)!

This looks lovey, especially that GUI. Keep up the good work. Also....

The forget are these rock bricks? must have.

This looks lovey, especially that GUI. Keep up the good work. Also....

The forget are these rock bricks? must have.

They're originally from Elm's Land of Blocks. They've been stolen and released a few times, do some searching.

Updates on the inventory GUI

And a new GUI that i'm working on. Its sorta like a quick-select tool. Expect Siba to make it look better, we're thinking of making the slots round.

Click the gif and click "MP4" to see it in higher fps.

Click the gif and click "MP4" to see it in higher fps.

That reminds me of the selection GUI from the Prototype game series by Activision..

Pushing this topic to page 1

I don't have a dedi, I just host when I'm in the mood to code. Ill host now for a few hours.
Sorry I haven't been on but I can most likely help today within 2-3 hours if you're available. I think I'll be open to help any time of the week.

That reminds me of the selection GUI from the Prototype game series by Activision..


This is still alive, I've been working on the dungeon generator some more, trying to get a good system for props, so I can reuse it for the dungeon walls, floors, ceilings, the props inside, loot, traps, hidden passageways, the terrain generator, and anywhere else I might want it. So i'm gonna write up how its gonna work to both clear my head about it, and in case anyone finds it interesting.

Props are saved into a special folder using a modified version of BVSS (which is now totally outdated, but whatever). I run a command to read through the first few lines of the file, where data is stored on its tags. From this, I create a 'PropData' object, which stores the tag info. Then, when I need to generate a prop, I can search through all of the propdatas, and find one that fits the criteria.

The propdata has a create function which creates the bricks in the specified position and rotation. A 'prop' object is created which knows what bricks belong to it, and what propdata is was created from. This acts similarly to datablocks. There can be infinite props per propdata.

Now, for the tags themselves. I read some procedural interior design papers, and picked some of the best ideas from them. There are three types of tag stored on each prop; Placement Tags, Static Tags, and Zones.

Static Tags are the most important, they hold some variables which all props need to have. These variables currently are:
Type - States whether it is a wall, floor, ceiling, dungeon prop, terrain prop, or a dungeon & terrain prop. I'll need to expand this list for the terrain generator.
Tags - The most varied static tag, states what the prop is, eg, table, chair, cupboard, door, wall, etc. Needs to be able to have multiple.
Age - 'older' props spawn more often in older dungeons (dungeons also have an age).
Value - The more valuable the prop is, the less likely it is to spawn for lower leveled parties in the higher floors of dungeons (closer to surface).
Rarity - The rarer it is, the less likely it will spawn, period. Not effected by party levels or floor.
HighlightSkill - The skill required which will highlight this prop, for example if you have the ability to see hidden doors, or treasure.

Id imagine i'd need some natural tag for when i get to the terrain generator.

Zones are areas which designate special behaviors. For example, the clearance zone states that no other prop can spawn within that area (but other clearance zones can be in it). 'On' zones designate where the 'on' location is for each prop (assuming there is one), which is used in the placement tags. There can be infinite of each zone type.

Placement Tags is a few words which explains to the generator where to place each prop. For example, "On table" would put the prop inside the 'on' zone of a 'table', "On table or on cupboard", "On table against wall", "InfrontOf chair", "Above desk".

I think that explains everything well enough. Another note I have from the procedural interior design documents I've read says that I should make the placement rules dependent on the type of room. I'm not really sure how I could implement that, maybe designate a purpose to each room in the dungeon, but idk how detailed I should go into it. Btw, if anyone wants me to explain my thoughts on anything else, just ask.

Edit: I should also explain that im storing info on the author of the prop.
« Last Edit: September 27, 2014, 10:09:56 AM by boodals 2 »