Author Topic: Boodals' Untitled D&D-like RPG  (Read 18044 times)

So, I've been making an RPG. I'm not gonna make a fancy topic or anything, if you want to see stuff working, go to my server. This topic is just another place for me to organize my thoughts, and get opinions on things. If the topic dies, I will still continue working on it, however ideally people will discuss things here so it doesn't die.

You now need a client sided mod to join the server. If you wanna know why, see here.

Server not letting you join, even after you installed the client? Download the latest version, it might help.
If all else fails, remove any client sided add-ons you have. This includes Client_X, Script_X, and System_X if they have a client.cs.
Add me on steam if you did the above but still have problems connecting. I want to find all the add-ons breaking this so I can patch them.

The general idea behind the RPG: Its a party-based/coop adventure RPG, heavily inspired from dungeons and dragons. Expect dice rolls for your damage and d20s for your chance to hit.

I need builders to make props for the generators to use! Come by the server and build anything. If its good ill keep it, if not ill either dwand it or move it to the 'not used' section. In the end, build anything. I don't mind clearing stuff up unless its spam, and who knows, maybe I can use your futuristic-thing-which-has-nothing-to-do-with-the-rpg somehow. Also, eye candy is nice when coding for inspirations.

Plans and progress:

Dungeon Generator v3 65%
Mostly done, lags a little when its positioning each room, so ill have to slow that stage down. It can currently put the walls into place, but not the floor or ceiling. I am doing a slight revision for v4 in how the props are created and loaded so I can do more stuff with them.
It uses a 'tetris' like algorithm, first it randomly picks room sizes between a min and a max that I choose, then it puts the first room in the center. After that, for each room, it picks a random direction (N/E/S/W), and finds the closest position to the center where the room will fit, repeat for the other 3 sides in a random order, and the best position is where the room goes. This creates dungeons that have no stuffty 50 mile hallways in between rooms, keeps everything compact, and tons of possible places to put doors.

Terrain Gen v3 20%
Terrain is created and loaded in a chunk-based system, similar to Minecraft. Terrain is currently brickscapped, inspired from Dione's random terrain that he built in the server. Trees, bushes, rocks, dungeons, towns, paths, etc will all be generated on the terrain.
I am having issues with lag for this though. It takes like 5 minutes to generate a chunk, and its fairly optimized. I think im either gonna have to recode it as optimized as i can, or write a C++ program to be injected into blockland, to be used as a resource, however that's gonna take a lot of work. If i can do it, i could also do AI in the same way.

Towns v1 0%
Towns will be created on the terrain, preferably in flat areas. Paths will connect them together. In towns you will find many AI NPCs which you can talk to, trade with, and join parties.

Building generator? v1 0%
Not sure if I will do this. If I dont, then ill just use the buildings people have built in the server.

Roads v1 0%
Roads will connect towns together. They will be created in such a way that they will avoid going up/down hills. AI will prefer to walk over paths.

AI v1 10%
Real AI, not like the crappy default bots or zombie mod stuff. Bots will actually think, and that isn't just waiting for a few seconds before doing stuff, they will plan out a task, and then do the task in order, whether its exploring a dungeon, or attacking another party. They also have their own memory, so if they're hunting a certain player, they will look where they last saw them, and then work out what they could have been doing, and attempt to follow the players path. I'm using Goal-Driven behavior, go google it. I can't make much more progress on this until the rest of the RPG is more finished. AI will be able to form parties with other AI, join parties with players, and generally do anything a player can do.
One huge issue with this system is the lag it would create with many AIs. I honestly doubt I can do the AI this complex without lagging the server to stuff, so I may have to simplify the AI significantly, or buy a super computer. The only reason im still continuing with this is because its fun to code, and it alone could probably get me a job somewhere.

Items v1 10%
Mainly act as aesthetics, since their damage is dice rolls. I think ill make all weapon have random stats, so you can keep exploring looking to upgrade your weapons. Ill also have armor. Not really sure how spells will work, perhaps using a wand/staff will increase its accuracy and/or damage. I have Jakeblade for models, so they're all lovey.

Battles v3 80%
When parties collide, a battle starts (well, you have to actually start the battle by attacking someone). Battles will be turn based, as it is in D&D. This is also pretty inspired from Divinity Original Sin.

Characters, classes, races v1 20%
When you first start, you can build your character, including race, class, skills, appearance, and stats. When you die, your character is lost forever. You can however continue playing as an AI's player in the party you were in, however if you do that, you wont be able to customize them at all, but you wont have to start again from level 1. Or, you can create a fresh character, however don't expect to be able to find your old party again, you will spawn randomly miles away, and sure, you could go chasing after them, but its not worth it. I encourage players to role play a little here too, and don't take knowledge from previous lives into your new one, although there is nothing I can do to stop it.

Parties v1 5%
You are able to form a party. Parties are mostly just a way to mark players as allies, however it does have friendly fire. There wont be loot sharing, or any magical item sharing, or long ranged communication. Being in a party should be a big deal. You should know everyone in your party pretty well, so you share loot between you as friends, not because the game forces you to. AIs will be able to join your party, and you will be able to join AIs party. However, keep in mind that just because they're in your party, doesn't mean they're your friend. An AI can decide to join a party to get help going through a dungeon, then when you get to the loot, kill you all and take it for himself.

Pictures of props and stuff:
Magus' Stone things

Some nice portals originally by BL_ID 43277, modified by me.

The small plants used for the terrain generator.

Magus' "Evil Statues"

Magus' regular statues

Magus' trees for the terrain gen

Magus' dungeon wall tiles. I like magus' stuff, okay?

"Mineshaft" dungeon walls from Dione.

Me and some others in a generated dungeon using the above dungeon walls.

Some terrain Dione made. I am hoping to create a generator to use this style.

Huge thanks to Magus, Bit, Whirlwind, Dione, JakeBlade, and all the other amazing people who consistently come to my server and help me plan stuff, give me new ideas, build stuff (seriously check out Magus' statues), and generally keep this project alive <3
« Last Edit: May 15, 2015, 02:30:05 PM by boodals 2 »

Any chance we could get some images though, for those of us who aren't able to open Blockland at the moment?

Oke, added some pictures to the OP. Only one (bad one) of anything actually generated though.

oh boy

those thing are totally steal borrow worthy

dang, I hope you keep at this; looks promising!

You know I'll help you in anything you build. So just contact me (pref Steam) if you need any. It looks great so far, I hope this is eventually released.  :cookie: :cookie: :cookie:

Looks good Boodals!

Let's combine our RPG mods :cookieMonster:.

Let's combine our RPG mods :cookieMonster:.
let's also combine my speedkart track and DayZ with your mod :cookieMonster:

lol idk

Yay, Siba finished the Combat Turn GUI. We started planning the inventory/stats GUI too. Ill let people see it if they come to the server sometime. Taking a break for now though.

Last time I was on, it seemed the inventory scripts and GUI were going along swimmingly...

Also, a quick question, what happened to the server? You taking a break from this project, or just not coding openly any more? It was rather interesting seeing progress being made.

I see you're content with your current built objects, but if you want, I can build a bunch of default stuff all in a similiar style if you want your mod to take a more professional approach. I'd love to help and I see a lot of potential in this.

Oh hey the topic isn't as dead as I thought.

Last time I was on, it seemed the inventory scripts and GUI were going along swimmingly...

Also, a quick question, what happened to the server? You taking a break from this project, or just not coding openly any more? It was rather interesting seeing progress being made.
The inventory stuff is going very nicely, mainly thanks to Siba for doing all the client sided stuff.

I host the server pretty much every day, and have done for the last few weeks. The time its up varies a lot though.

I see you're content with your current built objects, but if you want, I can build a bunch of default stuff all in a similiar style if you want your mod to take a more professional approach. I'd love to help and I see a lot of potential in this.

Sure, come by the server sometime, or send me a save file, whatever suits you.

Here's a teaser of the Inventory GUI that Siba is making:
« Last Edit: August 19, 2014, 08:23:31 PM by boodals 2 »