Author Topic: [Qi] - Seriously  (Read 26793 times)

your forced dargereldren to change that on the page
I woke up with everything in a mess, everything after my last post on Seventh's thread is someone else's dirty work.

wait how late did you sleep
if you believe him then lol
I woke up with everything in a mess, everything after my last post on Seventh's thread is someone else's dirty work.
"my little brother did it!!!!!"

wait how late did you sleep
I was up till like 6:45 AM and woke up around 4:00 PM.

oh stuff waiting pays off in the long run
i knew this clan was gonna fall

Oh man the good old "wasnt me!" backpedal.
I saw Aoki's ban of Seventh and automatically marked him as Blockland Cancer, good to know my radar is working.

oh stuff waiting pays off in the long run
i knew this clan was gonna fall
Darg leaving =/= clan falling; good joke though.
Oh man the good old "wasnt me!" backpedal.
I saw Aoki's ban of Seventh and automatically marked him as Blockland Cancer, good to know my radar is working.
I banned Seventh, it's in my post history and everything; It was and still is my opinion that Seventh deserved the ban for being an starfish and sparking all of this hate.

He didn't spark all of this hate, you brought it upon yourself.

He didn't spark all of this hate, you brought it upon yourself.
No, I'm pretty loving sure Seventh made the first drama...

Darg leaving =/= clan falling; good joke though.I banned Seventh, it's in my post history and everything; It was and still is my opinion that Seventh deserved the ban for being an starfish and sparking all of this hate.

people are hating your clan because your clan is crap, not because seventh said so.

people are hating your clan because your clan is crap, not because seventh said so.
At least I'm loving trying.

At least I'm loving trying.
Trying hard at something in this case will usually output bad results.

If your definition of trying is slapping together a bunch of server with terrible administration, then GJ.

seventh was very respectful in the drama he made
nobody was called out on it, nobody was directly insulted, only valid criticisms were given

if you're going to say it's his fault for ruining your clan, its a problem with you and your server, not him. Shooting the messenger is how seventh put it

If your definition of trying is slapping together a bunch of server with terrible administration, then GJ.
I've been writing a new set of rules and regulations for server as well as removing the [Qi] tags from servers I think are not good enough to represent the clan.
[Qi] Official Server Rules

1. Server will be run under an alternate account with the name "[Qi]."
2. Server will be a community effort.
3. Functionality is more important than build quality, so everyone should be able to help even if they aren't the best builder.
4. Server must have the Super Admin/Administrator layout of the forums.
5. Server must be moderated with an active player-base.
6. If the server is passworded, it should still be run under the project manager's ID.
7. If you think you're server is good enough to become an official server, PM me and I'll put it to a vote.

[Qi] Standalone Server Rules

1. Standalone servers are separated from Official servers by the use of the tag instead of the username.
2. Server must have an active player-base in order to use our tag.
3. Server must be moderated well, if not we'll apply the [Qi] Forums moderators or revoke your [Qi] hosting abilities.
4. Server must be functional.
5. Server shouldn't be passworded with the [Qi] tag; we don't want to look like we're being too secretive.
6. Server should have at least two [Qi] members as admins; these admins don't need to be forum admins.
7. Hosts of these servers should not be excessive in cursing or being rude; we look like utter idiots if our hosts are always spewing garbage.