Author Topic: [Qi] - Seriously  (Read 26838 times)

They're part of your clan, so wheres that "if a server is deemed too poor of quality, it will be removed"?

You're responsible for anything marked [QI], that's what you get for making a clan.

I think all this drama'ing is causing Aoki to start losing it.

Like first, the Seventh's compliant, then his ban, his reprisal, his unban, then this thread, then the Qi thread's lockdown and reopening...

A lot of rekt-oning around here.

then what are you trying to say? because from all im getting out that quote is that you think the people who dont like your servers dont know what they're talking about
If Bim thought the server was bad, why didn't he help or start a better one?

Standalone server, I had no part in it.Not my CityRPG.
They're still part of your clan and under your jurisdiction.
You should be contacting these hosts about the servers and correcting the problem, not shrugging them off because "ehurehere theyre not my personal server"

That is a pathetic way to run a so called "quality clan". How can it be quality if there is no quality control.

If Bim thought the server was bad, why didn't he help or start a better one?
seventhsandwich tried to help and you banned him

If Bim thought the server was bad, why didn't he help or start a better one?
Because hes not obligated to?

Just because the server is bad doesnt mean you find excuses to not fix it.

They're part of your clan, so wheres that "if a server is deemed too poor of quality, it will be removed"?
Fun servers don't need to be perfect to be fun.
You're responsible for anything marked [Qi], that's what you get for making a clan.
You make it sound like making a clan is a bad thing.

Fun servers don't need to be perfect to be fun.
but they do need to be fun to be fun

seventhsandwich tried to help and you banned him
I fixed every problem within minutes of seeing Seventh's big performance.

Someone who wants to improve something should loving improve it; not showcase someone's errors and overlooks in the most sarcastic and demeaning way possible; It's not fun for me to go through an entire thread making fun of the clan I started and the code I edited; Seventh could have just as easily sent c[_] an PM instead of making this into one big performance.

Seventh was banned because he completely disregarded any other solution than to post a drama topic and bring untold hate on my clan and c[_]'s server.

You're outright denying responsibility for the mess you created, man up and disband it.

Fun servers don't need to be perfect to be fun.You make it sound like making a clan is a bad thing.
No, he's saying every server under the [Qi] name is your responsibility.

Then maybe dont give people a reason to make fun of your clan?

No, he's saying every server under the [Qi] name is your responsibility.
I understand.
Just because a server has a few bugs yet to be worked out, Bim said the servers were stuff and ignored the rest of the clan's servers.

Then maybe dont give people a reason to make fun of your clan?
If it were that loving easy then I would have done it, but we're a new loving clan and still working out things like this. In my opinion, we'll come out stronger than ever after I solve all of this bull.

I understand.
Just because a server has a few bugs yet to be worked out, Bim said the servers were stuff and ignored the rest of the clan's servers.
Guess I drew (both) of the short straws, but still, it was marked QI so I thought "This is what passes for a server, better not go into the rest lol".