Author Topic: African Ebola coming to U.S.  (Read 5400 times)


Do you guys believe it will actually happen? Get to your local doomsday prep store and stock up, I believe america is in for one hell of a ride if there is a bad outbreak here, discuss.

We have to ban all flights going to and from Central Africa, that is the only way to stop this.

my question is why are infected africans going to us
do they want everyone else to die with them too?

i really hope not.


first off, what the hell is Ebola

will canada be okay?

Ebola is an infectious disease which is contagious, which means that it can be spread. I think for a bit Canada will be alright, but if it gets worse in the US then it will definitely spread to Canada within no time.

i heard about this, my stepdad told me people just start bleeding from every hole in their body

just from the CNN one i don't believe this could really be a problem

will canada be okay?

They have healthcare so they should be fine.

first off, what the hell is Ebola

You have the entirety of human knowledge at your fingertips. use google

first off, what the hell is Ebola
very deadly disease or something

im pretty sure where fine, but if not im not going outside

or ill leave the country

im pretty sure where fine, but if not im not going outside

or ill leave the country

just to prepare you guys for this outbreak

whats the first thing you do when you catch this deadly virus?
kill yourself? stay away from people? quarantine yourself?
WRONG you will die if you do this
to survive
go touch and cough on other people.
you also french kiss the nearest person
that will grant you eternal life