Author Topic: Pet peeves  (Read 1967 times)

I'm dogsitting for 3 dobermans at the moment.

I'm not really fond of dobermans as is, but hey whatever the family is literally paying me enough money to go to college if I did this on a daily basis (I've earned $3k this summer.) The dogs are 'great' but they each have their quirks and I'd love to tell you every single one of them

The one on the left is Hercules. He likes waking you up at 4am, no matter what. What does he do? Whines until you get up and take him outside, and then he goes back inside after standing on the porch for about 2-3 minutes.
I've tested his patience. He will whine for a full hour, and then he gives up, but whines in his sleep(?).
He also has a butt special interest. Literally every time he's near me he's rubbing his butt against me. Specifically me. Nothing else. I go to sleep* (I sleep right side)? Turn to my left and there's dog ass in my face (And holy stuff he farts on like an hourly basis.) As I type this all out right now, he's cantering over to me at the dining table, walking imbetween the table legs, bumping my legs up... and yeah, there he goes, ass literally right below me. Watch, by the time I'm done with the middle dog's quirks he's gonna gas me out.

*I should clarify that the family has no kids. They wanted me to sleep in their bed, and I didn't question it. If I'm going to stay AT their house for a long period of time, I'll need to sleep eventually. What's also worth mentioning is that these dogs are basically their kids, so they allow them to sleep on the bed with them.
P.S. he gassed me out before I could even start middle dog.

The middle dog is Elf. Elf is kinda... situation-based bad. He's good a lot of the time. However, the SECOND food is involved, he's there. Not like, there. He's THERE. EXACTLY where the food is. They have this large toybin for all the dry dog food, and the second that lid comes off so I can scoop out some food, his face is like right imbetween my arm, trying to practically jump in the box. Lemme just remind you, these are Dobermans. I eat a sandwich at the table? I better put it dead middle if I'm gonna leave. He's also the worst listener of all of them. Hercules will come no MATTER what. Then that leaves us with...

Skylar. Ohhhh Skylar. She's a sweetheart and she's gentle, but oh my god stop barking at the deer yes I see them they're back for the 17th time today. Skylar is overprotective. If a tree falls in the forest and nobody is around to hear it, Skylar heard it, and she's going to let the entire neighborhood 3 houses on the street know (I'm literally in the middle of nowhere, I could get murdered and nobody would know.) She's also been licking her feet a lot lately (something to do with inflammation, I don't really know I just manage her meds and text her momma about how good she is), and she is providing me some A+ comic relief with her cone. This is also kinda mean, but she has arthritis, and it's the funniest thing to watch her either climb stairs, or jump into bed. I mean, if you've watched an old person with hip problems try to climb stairs, imagine them doing it on four legs. I'll post a picture of her with her cone of shame +3 charisma when I get the chance, but that's about it.

post your pet peeves about pets/animals
(i.e. barking, biting strangers, leg-humping, w/e)
« Last Edit: August 02, 2014, 05:59:50 PM by AdinX »

try going for a walk with them or playing with them for more than 15 minutes

Cat sits by door
Hey kitty cat, do you want to go outside?
Open door
Cat walks away from the open door.

my dog is a colie and he gives himself self service. its really a bad habbit. but yeah when he does this I usually go find some cloth and make a makeshift diaper so he can't suck himself off

when i sit down 3 of my 4 dogs run up to me and try and claw my eyes out

try going for a walk with them or playing with them for more than 15 minutes
Believe me, I would love to. However:
1. It's raining, and they hate the rain
2. The street this house is on is about 1/10 of a mile, and the road that the street comes off of is a 65mph road.
3. construction in literally every direction, they would go bonkers
4. I'm strong, but I'm not strong enough to stop 3 dobermans if they ALL go in the same direction
5. I don't have the owners permission to walk the dogs, and they rarely walk the dogs as is.

As for the playing with them, I do. I'll spend like half an hour playing with all three simultaneously. They're all sleepy right now, and I feed them at 6:30 so I'm just hoping they'll remain in their sleepy stupor long enough for me to at least get Elf's food done so he can't jump in the container...

my dog is a colie and he gives himself self service.

I wanna start dogsitting either late this year or next year since I'll finally be 16, know how I could do this? Or at least how did you start?

when i sit down 3 of my 4 dogs run up to me and try and claw my eyes out

my question is... how are you reading this post then?

my starfish dog loves biting his own skin off
im not even kidding
look as his goddamn neck

it's gross
he has a terrible skin condition and he won't let us fix is
any time we try he just does it more

I have a Jack Russell and he just loves feet.
I cannot walk down my hall without him biting my feet.
He's gotten better about it, but he still tries to bite them.

Also if I am in the kitchen (or anyone else), he always gets in front of me.
I almost always bout trip over him.

I wanna start dogsitting either late this year or next year since I'll finally be 16, know how I could do this? Or at least how did you start?
I'm gonna answer this in depth. But I'm in the middle of posting some of my first shots to the camera/photography thread, so lemme do that first. I'll edit this out lol

If you wanna skip straight to the TL;DR, look for the bold text
The first dog I ever took care of was a dog named Chelsea, another female golden retriever. It was actually more of a family job. Whenever the family that owns Chelsea goes on vacation, we watch her, and when we go on vacation, they watch Riley, our female golden retriever (my dog is in these pictures). This year, I had been doing odds and ends jobs because everywhere I applied, I just wasn't getting in the door. I attribute it mostly to the fact that I was desperately trying to grow a beard and it just didn't look good. So 2 months before college starts, here I am still applying for jobs at Dairy Queen (mostly just to get my mom off my back, nobody would hire someone for 2 months.) and my mom's coworker was talking to her about how they hated putting their dogs in the kennel while on vacation. She volunteered me as a dog sitter, with no experience dogsitting on my own. My mom and I both went over to their house (Where I'm at right now) for dinner, and we setup a test run. I spent a single night with the dogs, and they came back the next morning. They paid me about $25/dog, which for a 24-hour period of time, $75 is kind of a lot considering what I do.

I'm gonna skip the middle of the story because I think it's kind of important to figure that out on your own. Don't be afraid to make mistakes, don't be afraid to call the owners, don't be afraid to ask. They're on vacation but if you spill tomato sauce on their placements, tell them sooner rather than later so they can make that decision.

What I do now... Is complex. On the one hand, I'm a lot more laid-back, but on the other hand, with each time I dogsit, I try to improve how well I serve them, as well as expand my reach in terms of who I dogsit for. That said, because I'm going to college soon, I haven't bothered with contacting other people about dogsitting, however I have lined up potential families for the next couple of years. One of my ideas going into dogsitting was to make a website for my services. While I'm still working on a google hosted website, I do have a system in place that uses Google Drive / Google Spreadsheet to keep families up to date on how their dogs are.
Because I don't think it's a huge issue and it's only for a couple more hours, here's a link to the current chart:
And then here's the layout document I use to create a whole new spreadsheet each time:

Whenever I update the layout, I only do small things so as not to be a sudden, large change that would confuse them. If you look at both links, you'll notice I HAVE updated the layout for next time. But I'm a very detail-oriented person, so this is just something that makes sense to me, plus, if the family is EVER concerned about how their dogs are, all they have to do is check that link.

If you want advice on the actual act of dog sitting, here it is: get a different job. Seriously, they're dogs, it is the easiest job you could possibly imagine. With this particular family, I feed the dogs 3 times a day, one cookie at 12pm mid-day, I pick up the dog poop about every other day, and I give two of the three dogs medication twice a day. Know what I do when i'm not doing all of that? Whatever I want. Sleep? King sized bed. Watch TV? Any channel I want with a killer sound system. Play Warframe? Lol I've already played like 15 hours and I'm only here for 48 hours, I'm sick of Warframe but I'm gonna play more anyways. I go out and buy my own food, but they permit me to eat what they have simply because for a couple, most of the food goes to waste. Of course you should play with the dogs, let them out, give them attention etc, but honestly, they only have so much energy, and if you play with them for like 30 minutes, depending on the size, they'll get tired and take a nap. And that's when you spend 4 hours on videogames!

Dunno how well that covers dogsitting. I'm not an expert by a long shot, but I've dealt with animals ranging from dogs to horses to lizards, all through friends. Caring for animals long term is really no different than doing it as if you were hanging out with your friend and you were given the opportunity to feed your friends rabbit.

But seriously make a chart, it makes life so much easier and I honestly wouldn't be surprised if that's why the family is paying me $25 per dog per day.
« Last Edit: August 02, 2014, 07:11:24 PM by AdinX »

My dog has a thing with barking every time someone goes through the front door. Even after he has seen that it's a familiar face, he continues barking. He even barks at the door randomly for no reason.

My dog has a thing with barking every time someone goes through the front door. Even after he has seen that it's a familiar face, he continues barking. He even barks at the door randomly for no reason.
ring the doorbell
if you allow your dog to play outside, do it during the day when everyone is gone and there's nobody outside

watch as your dog goes loving ballistic but has no idea who rang the bell, I do it all the time with my dog and she eventually figures out it was me.

A pet peeve of mine is when a dog won't shut the forget up