
Which worst Driving Death most from?

Drink & Driving Death
17 (30.9%)
Text & Driving Death
38 (69.1%)

Total Members Voted: 55

Author Topic: Drink & Driving Death VS Text & Driving Death  (Read 3770 times)

pretty sure more people die from being kicked by donkeys

Something that kills 0.00166% of a population over 14 years is, as I said, essentially a non-issue. I'm willing to bet you that more kids die from TVs falling on their heads, should we run advertising campaigns to stop leaving your TVs unsecured to their stands?
It is a shock advert though. It might be a small number of children killed, but it's likely an even higher number of adults, as well as a lot of money gone in to cleaning up wrecks and repairing the damage done to streets and towns.

Telling people you're risking killing children is a lot more likely to affect them then telling them they might hurt themselves (which is much more likely).

And yeah, were TVs falling on people a common cause of death in a population them I'm sure adverts or other means of educating would be put out there.

Ignoring the poor quality of the advert itself (in being unrealistic and cheesy) it does no harm in existing, and if it does affect at least one person to drive carefully then it's worthwhile as a warning.

Something that kills 0.00166% of a population over 14 years is, as I said, essentially a non-issue. I'm willing to bet you that more kids die from TVs falling on their heads, should we run advertising campaigns to stop leaving your TVs unsecured to their stands?
The point alone isn't the death of the children. The point alone is to stop speeding.

This advert is only telling us the children who died in the past 14 years. I can guarantee the number of adults killed from speeding vehicles is even higher. The point of this advert is to scare you away from speeding, because of the potential horror. Humans usually value a child's life more than the average adults life. That's what makes this advert effective.

The way they're making the point is ineffective is my point. If a lot of children were killed by speeding then I'd definitely feel a lot more affected by the ad.

The issue is that I can guarantee most of the deaths are almost entirely the fault of the child. The advertisement shows someone going out of control and killing innocent children, but I can guarantee that's not how a majority of those accidents happened. I can guarantee what happened in most of those cases is some kid ran out into the middle of the road without looking and some poor bloke who was going too fast couldn't hit his brakes fast enough.

Any innocent deaths is a tragedy, but part of life are the facts that people make mistakes and innocent people die. In the grand scheme of things, 2 kids dying every year due to something dangerous that most people participate in is actually a really good statistic.

Quote from: ecks
d0pe: thats really good
d0pe: considering in IL its been over 500
d0pe: this year
d0pe: lol
d0pe: there's several signs on the highway that update every day
d0pe: and literally every time i drive past it, it goes up by 10-20

The population if Illinois is 13 million, so if you divide 500 by 13 you get ~40 deaths per million. Northern Ireland has a population slightly less than 2 million, so that'd be slightly less than 80 deaths per year if speeding was as much of a problem in Northern Ireland as it is in Illinois. Since Illinois has a child population of 24.4%, that works out to about 10 child deaths per million per year versus Northern Ireland's 1 child death per million per year. All I'm saying is that 2 deaths per year is a really good statistic.
« Last Edit: August 03, 2014, 10:30:38 PM by $trinick »

So, as someone who drunk drives a stick shift car while texting and probably smoking a cigarette, i can tell you that the people who die doing it, deserve to die. that stuff isn't even that hard.

pretty sure more people die from being kicked by donkeys
don't be a jackass and derail this thread, it's about texting.

don't be a jackass and derail this thread, it's about texting.
texting this post while driving an elevator
does that count

'Ey forgetheads, don't do either. Especially at the same time - even if you get home safe, you're gonna regreeet those texts.

pretty sure more people die from being kicked by donkeys
what an idiot!

texting this post while driving an elevator
does that count
It could be happen are very rare. They will parking in the elevator as long the vehicle not move. when the vehicle are locked grip between wheels.

what an idiot!
-when the vehicle are locked grip between wheels.-
I agree entirely.

Why is this a debate? They are both terrible and both cause deaths. If you want to know which causes more deaths look at the statistics, not people's opinions.

Why is this a debate? They are both terrible and both cause deaths. If you want to know which causes more deaths look at the statistics, not people's opinions.

Then why'd you a start a topic asking us which is worse?