The server has a ton of add-ons that are not required or in the contrary diminish the enjoyment of users. (See: MAS weaponry, Shields, AS 50 [Which is disabled, it's literally taking up space], A ton of random packs while there's obviously a pack without any ammo which does better than any of other). This includes about 20 different playertypes while changing datablocks is not allowed. Though, there are restricted events (For instance, BLID checks to make the bases properly protected) instead Grey is incapable of bloody restricting the changeDatablock event. Good job.
It took me about 4 hours into the server getting killed by guys who had shields to be told that there's a shield item and that you can't simply "setShield".
Klark got the build he worked hours on destroyed by an admin which had individually evented blocks, that admin being LegoFish.
Not to mention LegoFish is a moron and the only reason he is Super Admin is because he is Grey's friend, and all that Grey does is suck up to him.
The admin "braixen" (however he got admin) randomly dwanded multiple bases, destroying part of them and even entirely. Unquestionable why he got admin in the first place, or if he still has it (since he left, nobody knows), but no backup save was loaded in order to fix the damage. 4 guys including a Super Admin (forgot his name) got their base destroyed.
Another thing is that admins are heavenly abusing Munk's Server Pack commands, LegoFish threatening with Ban for simply "destroying his killstreak", and alternatively launching and tumbling, or slapping. This covers a bigger area as even Grey did the second part.
I got banned twice for "Buildkilling" by Assassin (Super Admin / Admin) while the first kill was indeed an accident, the second kill did not even exist to begin with. The guy who bitched about being build killed attacked me first. ADDITIONALLY READ THE NEXT POINT (As it's linked to this but it's a separate issue)
This would not be the first time Assassin got shouted upon for being a bad admin; he has also removed part of Light's base without any justified reason. Even after all of this Assassin was still admin, Grey sucking his ass as well.
The guy from the past paragraph which claimed the bullstuff buildkill on me was a past admin who has severely abused talkas and made people get kicked and banned for randomly insulting the admins and "trolling", while they were doing physically nothing. Instead of the common courtesy to ban him for abuse, Grey did demote him... To moderator... Good job.
The server is a pathetic excuse for a admin roostersucking (and abusing) realm. The last thing I know from the server is that Grey told me that he will not demote Assassin, and that instead he will "Tell him not to do it again". I removed my build after being around 8 hours on the server and left.