Author Topic: Greyhawk's stuffty forget server of ruined dreams  (Read 6900 times)

One guy syringed me ran off and left me hallucinating eternally, two guys were using MAS launchers while they were using changed data blocks with tons of health, I told grey, but he did nothing, so I got bored of having a screwed up POV, and watching two idiots spam MAS launchers, so I left.
he says that they had 400 no shields which is allowed also he said that you can fix your pov in the options menu

there is absolutely no reason why I have to give you and grey my in game name, he'll just use it to find me and ban me
he says he won't
I'm not a stuff head

he says that they had 400 no shields which is allowed also he said that you can fix your pov in the options menu
ah, MAS launcher is pretty OP, and you could fix FoV problems caused by the syringe in the menu?

he says that they had 400 no shields which is allowed also he said that you can fix your pov in the options menu
i heard a person got banned by one of the admins because he was using 400 hp- reason: changing datablocks

i heard a person got banned by one of the admins because he was using 400 hp- reason: changing datablocks
honestly, it is cheap and takes the fun away from the game, as well as op weapons like the MAS launcher and the 3 pistols.

The server has a ton of add-ons that are not required or in the contrary diminish the enjoyment of users. (See: MAS weaponry, Shields, AS 50 [Which is disabled, it's literally taking up space], A ton of random packs while there's obviously a pack without any ammo which does better than any of other). This includes about 20 different playertypes while changing datablocks is not allowed. Though, there are restricted events (For instance, BLID checks to make the bases properly protected) instead Grey is incapable of bloody restricting the changeDatablock event. Good job.

It took me about 4 hours into the server getting killed by guys who had shields to be told that there's a shield item and that you can't simply "setShield".

Klark got the build he worked hours on destroyed by an admin which had individually evented blocks, that admin being LegoFish.
Not to mention LegoFish is a moron and the only reason he is Super Admin is because he is Grey's friend, and all that Grey does is suck up to him.

The admin "braixen" (however he got admin) randomly dwanded multiple bases, destroying part of them and even entirely. Unquestionable why he got admin in the first place, or if he still has it (since he left, nobody knows), but no backup save was loaded in order to fix the damage. 4 guys including a Super Admin (forgot his name) got their base destroyed.

Another thing is that admins are heavenly abusing Munk's Server Pack commands, LegoFish threatening with Ban for simply "destroying his killstreak", and alternatively launching and tumbling, or slapping. This covers a bigger area as even Grey did the second part.

I got banned twice for "Buildkilling" by Assassin (Super Admin / Admin) while the first kill was indeed an accident, the second kill did not even exist to begin with. The guy who bitched about being build killed attacked me first. ADDITIONALLY READ THE NEXT POINT (As it's linked to this but it's a separate issue)
This would not be the first time Assassin got shouted upon for being a bad admin; he has also removed part of Light's base without any justified reason. Even after all of this Assassin was still admin, Grey sucking his ass as well.

The guy from the past paragraph which claimed the bullstuff buildkill on me was a past admin who has severely abused talkas and made people get kicked and banned  for randomly insulting the admins and "trolling", while they were doing physically nothing. Instead of the common courtesy to ban him for abuse, Grey did demote him... To moderator... Good job.

The server is a pathetic excuse for a admin roostersucking (and abusing) realm. The last thing I know from the server is that Grey told me that he will not demote Assassin, and that instead he will "Tell him not to do it again". I removed my build after being around 8 hours on the server and left.

His name is not "greyhawk." His name is "xXGreYxHaWkXx".

What the forget do you expect from soneone with that name.

His name is not "greyhawk." His name is "xXGreYxHaWkXx".

What the forget do you expect from soneone with that name.

I've never understood what's so cool about doing that with your username.
"Oooh lookit me i've got a bunch of X's around my name and iT'S CApitALIzatION Is aLl mESseD uP"
It just makes you look like a friend.

uhhh why are the pics in the Bedroom map?

...wasnt that removed a REALLY long time ago?
...meaning this happened a REALLY long time ago?

why did you make a drama now?

uhhh why are the pics in the Bedroom map?
That's a skybox created from pictures of the Bedroom, not the actual bedroom.

uhhh why are the pics in the Bedroom map?

...wasnt that removed a REALLY long time ago?
...meaning this happened a REALLY long time ago?

why did you make a drama now?

It's not the bedroom. It's the normal map with the bedroom floor texture and that bedroom skybox.

That's a skybox created from pictures of the Bedroom, not the actual bedroom.
oh damn didnt see that
what the forget the bed looked like it was an actual 3d model

Ok totally justified drama but wtf title

I was stuffting about with one of the admins which was actually nice and helpful (Squid.z afair), used gravity jeep to climb on bases/made a loop and ride the inside of it/fall to the sky, finally i decided to make a base.
i used corner reflectors (which made me need to use x4 cubes and even each single cube to bounce projectiles) and the structure is specially built to make some of the bullets hitting it reflect parralel to the incoming bullet, so if somone shoots a rocket at it it has a chance to come right back at the guy and hit him in the face.

each brick you see there is a 4x4x4.

I was planning to add some fences, detail and an actual base inside it, but then the server started to lag a bit and i was pretty bored anyway.
right then i had to go to dinner so i went AFK, when i came back i was greeted with lag and everyone blamed me even tho i didnt even build/dupe/do anything really. no one bothered looking or checking who else it could be, because well, i have a giantass base made out of 14k bricks, it must be the thing lagging the server! that was followed by the admins telling me they are going to wand my base because "its lagging the server" (again, didnt check if it did or even check if greyhawk agreed about them Dwanding it)
i did manage to get that screenshot from singleplayer, saved it in case it gets destroyed (and im so glad i did). greyhawk did suggest giving me temp admin (yea, a random player he never knew before would get admin) just to upload the base. i gave up and went to singleplayer to finish the outer structure.

i dont hate greyhawk or his server, just his abusive admins (i saw admins use jets too, constantly slapping players and slapping eachother. greyhawk didnt seem to really demote anyone or get anything sorted out tho.

I hope this post was helpful to anyone

I was also there to witness the admins abusing.
I was asked by Klarck to see his base before it got wanded by an admin, thinking it would solve the lag. (Which it didn't).
Originally they thought he was using the duplicator, and kept telling him to stop, but he was afk eating dinner, which I checked his steam to be sure.
Towards the end he came back, not knowing what was going on, and admins saying that they were going to wand his base.
Luckily he had saved before he left (as you can see in the post above me).

From my experience in the server, Greyhawk needs to clear his admin list, and think better who he has to administrate the server.
There is no need to have more then three SAs on the server at once, or even more then five in total.
And there is no way that a build could lag a server in that way, it would either be a persistent lag, or lag when the host views the build.

And if a host can't stand a simple build like that, consisting of 14k bricks, he shouldn't even be hosting a server.
Hell, with my intel graphics laptop, I could handle 256k bricks on minimum with atleast 7fps.
It was most likely someone else causing the lag (maybe even an admin?), pinning it on the easiest target, Klarck.

I will certainly not return to this server, unless Greyhawk rethinks how he admins people.