Author Topic: special interest megathread vTheABELBOTOHAStocomplainabouthetitle  (Read 104880 times)

Someone has a pregnancy/belly special interest. Pretty weird coming from you.
why would that be weird "coming from me"?
we all have particular things we prefer
some of them are good, some of them are bad
they're always bad if you're brad, chad, or tad

planr you don't masturbate do you

on that note, i also find it particularly attractive when a girl is pregnant and has that big bulging round belly. its like you just wanna pat it and  hug her and feel her massive belly envelop you :)

thats pretty weird no offense

lol even I have a pregnancy special interest and the way that planr says it weirds me out

Don't hate planr for having something he likes.
Well have our very, very interesting kinks.

This thread makes me feel better about myself. Like wtf people?

This thread makes me feel better about myself. Like wtf people?

Good thinking, you could use the extra self-assurance.

Good thinking, you could use the extra self-assurance.
Ya and luckily nothing boosts it better then seeing how forgeted some of you are lmao

thats pretty weird no offense
it depends on the circumstances. for me, enjoying such a particular thing would be an activity I would reserve for when I am married someday. It'd be a private activity for my wife and I could enjoy when/if she and I choose to have a child and she becomes pregnant.

it wouldn't be something we'd like make awkward by "scheduling tummy sessions" or something weird like that. It'd be more like, she and I wake up in the morning, I wrap my arms around her, we hug, I pull her close, her belly is in full physical contact with me, I kiss her, and I lean down and kiss her on her tummy, and compliment her on how thankful I am to have such a great wife and how good a mother she is going to be :)
and certainly compliment her that she is the most beautiful and attractive pregnant woman in the world!
then I go fix her breakfast <3

In the broad scope of things though, I really don't think this is that weird or gross a thing to like. It certainly would be an easier and more comfortable activity for my future wife and I to enjoy than say, things that could be more uncomfortable, like bondage or brown town love. My kinks are rather harmless ones.

besides, pretty much all girls like foot rubs too. and imagine all the shoes she'd be able to get!
« Last Edit: September 07, 2014, 03:02:48 PM by Planr »

Someone has a pregnancy/belly special interest. Pretty weird coming from you.
Most people like pregnancy only because the woman becomes more voluptuous and the belly thing

atleast in my case

Girls with freckles across the bridge of their nose and cheekbones... That's absolutely adorable.
Girls with moderately pale/white skin in general is really cute to me... Not like super-white, but not tan either. Kind of like the skin color of Noriko Takaya (my forum avatar).

Blonde hair is cool, but I personally like brunette hair the most. Oh, and I suppose I have picked this up a bit from comr4de, but red hair is quite cute too. Girls with natural red/ginger hair generally also have that different skin complexion too, and it oftentimes is pretty cute to me. Ah, girls in general are just so beautiful and cute. I look how beautiful they are, and I know that God is good.

I can't stand the mainstream type of girls that proliferate my high school though... You know, the ones that stand around chewing gum and yelling "hashtag!" "instagram" "this girl on fire!" "yolo" "swag" "facebook!" "oh yeah he's my cool boyfriend". Also the ones that all put on way too much makeup and every other word is a swear word or "yeah, like...". Those kind of people are completely uninteresting.
There are some really cute "nerdy-type" girls in my school's writing club that i'm in. And they all have much better character than the freshman girls on my schoolbus.
« Last Edit: September 10, 2014, 12:32:16 AM by Planr »

I found a user named mr man on inflatechan. Imposter...

I found a user named mr man on inflatechan. Imposter...
I think I understand why there is an attraction to inflation, but I personally don't share it. From my understanding, it's because the girl's belly is expanding in size due to an external action, right? Usually in inflation though the girl is literally being "inflated" by air/water, and that simply weirds me out. I know how uncomfortable it feels when you have air stuck in your stomach or you drink too much water, so the idea/"special interest" does not appeal to me that much.

When a girl is pregnant though and has a baby inside of her big bulging belly, that is attractive to me. There's something... no, someone... meaningful inside that nice female tummy :)
Gosh, I almost feel like I sound like a straight version of Emo Freak.
« Last Edit: September 10, 2014, 12:48:42 AM by Planr »

i was almost sick I drank too much water at school a week ago

yeah I bet that really turns you on huh