Author Topic: I've been thinking about making a BL Guns Steam Group  (Read 1330 times)

I had the idea of making a steam group that will hold all of blocklands top quality gun-shooters and gun makers.
heres a experimental logo:

would this be worth my time? would anyone interested in joining?

tbh you probably wouldnt get anything accomplished

youre welcome to try though

Actually try to make the skull a blockhead skull

...I can't see this working.

Even slightly.

How does shooting in a videogame represent any skill at all?
Sure, you can move a joystick/mouse around to aim. Is that all you can do?
In real life, a whole lot more variables exist. That's why real life top shooters are a big deal.
Take these variables for example: Wind, FPS, gravity, hand movement, timing.
Most bullets in blockland aren't affected by any of those, wind does't exist in blockland, and most guns have the same FPS, or the FPS doesn't even matter.
Your hand does not move in blockland unless you choose for it to. In real life, your hand trembles a bit, which is why you sometimes need to hold your breath while taking a shot.

This isn't a good idea, I'm sorry.

Yes setro, because the human eye needs upgrades to keep the fps up. What a remarkable variable.

So FPS games require no skill at all?

Also didnt you leave?

Seems like it could be a good idea. Also you might want to draw your own logo instead of taking one from the internet.

So FPS games require no skill at all?

Also didnt you leave?
are you kidding

do you think he would 'compose' that 'poem' only not to come back a month later?

i would be i suck at making guns, last time i tried it looked like a pickle that shot rockets. xD

tbh you probably wouldnt get anything accomplished

youre welcome to try though

Yes setro, because the human eye needs upgrades to keep the fps up. What a remarkable variable.
He's talking feet per second, the bullet speed

How does shooting in a videogame represent any skill at all?
Sure, you can move a joystick/mouse around to aim. Is that all you can do?
In real life, a whole lot more variables exist. That's why real life top shooters are a big deal.
Take these variables for example: Wind, FPS, gravity, hand movement, timing.
Most bullets in blockland aren't affected by any of those, wind does't exist in blockland, and most guns have the same FPS, or the FPS doesn't even matter.
Your hand does not move in blockland unless you choose for it to. In real life, your hand trembles a bit, which is why you sometimes need to hold your breath while taking a shot.

This isn't a good idea, I'm sorry.
Wind is only a variable in long range shooting.
There IS gravity that can be/is applied to projectiles in Blockland.
There is still hand movement. Most of the time, unless taking a very careful shot, you'll be moving your hand around a lot anyway.
Timing will always exist, in-game or not. Seriously, this one doesn't even make sense.

Sorry, but skill is skill. Obviously video game guns and real guns are a bit different when it comes to skills, but that doesn't mean you don't have to be skilled to use an in-game gun well.