Author Topic: So there's this girl  (Read 6845 times)

does she like you or do you just like her?
mutual relationship

Yeah it was kind of ignorant of me to post that. Sorry, I was tired as forget. Maybe you should enjoy it the time it lasts. I can assure you it will not be permanent, and more likely than not it won't last more than 6 months, but still, while you have the time, have fun.

Pretty funny. You realize that your parents wouldn't approve of this "dating", and even though it may be fun for a while, you're way too young to actually be in a relationship. Just enjoy it the time it lasts, there isn't a lot of harm in doing so.
lol and you would be the one to give out relationshio advi-

*looks at top post*
ah ok you said your sorry!!

There are many reasons a relationship in the 7th grade is a bad idea:

- Cannot drive a car to bring the individual on a date
- Cannot own property (obviously the government does not think you are responsible enough)
- Cannot legally marry that individual if choosing to do so
- Underage for employment
- Body is not fully developed (loveual relationship is a no-go, please don't lie to me about how your lil' wang was able to work at 12)
- Brain underdeveloped (you do so many stupid, meaningless things)

Yes I've spoken to many women and I still think that a relationship before even the middle of high school is pointless. Even then, the relationship tends to crumble due to both individuals taking different walks of life (there are exceptions) after graduation.

So do you also believe that you cannot have a relationship at 17? These are terrible excuses.

Yeah, you cannot drive the car by yourself. It is possible to get a ride. Yeah, it's kinda cheesy, but it comes with the early game. There's nothing loving wrong with it. Hell, you could just meet up, and walk there. You cannot own property? Like seriously? What, are they supposed to forgetin' move in together the second they get into a relationship? Yeah you can't own property. Not many kids in highschool have property. Not many legal adults have their own property. My sister is 19 and her boyfriend is 20 and neither of them have their own property. You don't have to have a job to be in a relationship with somebody either, did you have to finance them monthly for your recurring dating subscription charge? What kind of relationship did you have man?

Yeah you might not be able to bone each other yet. I highly doubt they were expecting too, and yeah, I will admit that relationships tend to not work out when the love isn't present. That doesn't mean that they shouldn't take the opportunity to think about the emotional side of things before they start putting their richard in everything they find (which is probably a VERY IMPORTANT PRECURSOR)

And yeah your brain doesn't exactly fully develop until somewhere in your 20's. Stupid, meaningless stuff is what's actually fun about the relationship. You can do tax returns and insurance payments together after marriage.
« Last Edit: August 21, 2014, 07:39:57 PM by Rally »

some kids in my grade already did oral

some kids in my grade already did oral
i heard a story that some 2nd grader gave oral to some other 2nd grader

-im dumb, please forgive-
« Last Edit: August 21, 2014, 08:42:02 PM by maplelink64 »

Pretty funny. You realize that your parents wouldn't approve of this "dating", and even though it may be fun for a while, you're way too young to actually be in a relationship. Just enjoy it the time it lasts, there isn't a lot of harm in doing so.
lol yeah everyones parents are like yours

im legit wondering the percent of people who keep saying that "ohh they're too young" that don't have girlfriends

not because they don't want them

because they can't

ED is a difficult thing to talk about.

i heard a story that some 2nd grader gave oral to some other 2nd grader

A girl had a lewinsky in the bathroom in my school. In 8th grade.
Shes a smart one, isnt she?

She got like Suspended for like 3-4 weeks idunno.

Edit: she GAVE a lewinsky. My bad.
« Last Edit: August 21, 2014, 08:38:30 PM by maplelink64 »