Author Topic: Lock --> Another Player To Add To The Badmin List  (Read 4621 times)

I get that now.
holy stuff i laughed really hard
Again, nice try.

You won't gain anything by calling me out via PM. Then again, what should  expect from someone who just joined a few weeks ago. Kid, i've been on these forums for 4 years now, almost 5, and i've been insulted and jeered at before. It's going to take a lot more than some stupid insult via pm to get to me.

You guys don't know what Zack said, he only took the pics of me causing trouble, he was warned NUMEROUS times, was being a total nuisance to the server, and disrespecting server staff.

You guys don't know what Zack said, he only took the pics of me causing trouble, he was warned NUMEROUS times, was being a total nuisance to the server, and disrespecting server staff.

Where are your pictures, then? I insist, please, do, post them.

The only time I got angry was then you unjustly kicked me for shooting you out of vehicle while you were in the minigame.

Please, elaborate on how I was disrepspecting staff, I have made no rude remarks to either you nor the two Falco's present on the server up until the moments preceeding the ban.

Also, let me remind you of what you said:

If you honestly expect me to believe that one line I said came to be any near as close as how rash and completetly unwarranted this was, you are wrong.

Lock may have been causing the problem, but some of the things you said as well were unkind too, OP. I think both of you could have refrained from saying a multitude of things.

This all started when he kicked me for a bullstuff reason, but I do agree that I could have been less of a richard at the time, yes.


Torak, there is no rule explicitly stating to stay 100% ontopic, no exceptions..

Aware's and Planr's statements are just as valid as anyone elses, because it still pertains to the server Lock himself was administrating on, and is still a valid point for discussion.

You guys don't know what Zack said, he only took the pics of me causing trouble, he was warned NUMEROUS times, was being a total nuisance to the server, and disrespecting server staff.
Well then, the burden of proof now lies on you bud. Show us the screenshots.

i think torak is mad because he isnt an mlg no scoper

i think torak is mad because he isnt an mlg no scoper

Implying i'm immature enough to get mad at you for pointless bickering.

You guys don't know what Zack said, he only took the pics of me causing trouble, he was warned NUMEROUS times, was being a total nuisance to the server, and disrespecting server staff.

Would you mind showing us proof of these claims? You know the rules of this forum, don't make a statement here unless you're prepared to back that statement up with proof.

Implying i'm immature enough to get mad at you for pointless bickering.
jesus i didnt know a 21 year old was that much of a dumbass to not take a joke jesus

-snip- jesus i didnt know a -snip- year old was that much of a dumbass to not take a joke jesus

I am going to politely ask you NOT to discuss my age, last time i argued my age with someone it didn't turn out well...

I am going to politely ask you NOT to discuss my age, last time i argued my age with someone it didn't turn out well...
that's probably because you don't act your age?

jesus christ torak you are loving stupid

Torak isn't lying, he's 21. He's posted a pic of himself before somewhere, and he obv was either a high school or college kid. And that was like, 2 years ago.

that's probably because you don't act your age?

No... Its because i almost caused a stuffstorm the last time people questioned my age. I don't want that to happen again.