Threw up into my computer case...

Author Topic: Threw up into my computer case...  (Read 4166 times)

Thanks for that lovely image

But im serious pls flat im scared to even click on this page
its not even creepy though.
what the forget do you guys see in it thats so "creepy"

its not even creepy though.
what the forget do you guys see in it thats so "creepy"
pm picture because all I see is a red bird

pm picture because all I see is a red bird
its just a pic of the drawing chickenmaster did for me in the drawings megathread.

cant pm a pic right now either

heycould have woke up with a tiger right it could be worse like a cut off finger

lesson: don't party
at least- you shouldn't

lesson: dont swap garbage can and pc spots
at least- you shouldn't

lesson: party its good for you
but at least- dont swap trash can and pc spots

OH MY GOD I would pay $20 to see someone puke in a PC and get electrocuted from it that would be hilarious