Author Topic: Obama Gets 9 Allies to Help Battle Against the cancerous CIA  (Read 16959 times)

I was going to argue seriously with you but then you said
You are definitely being tribal now.
Actually, he's correct.
Quote from: Wikipedia
Rushton & Jensen (2005) write that, in the United States, self-identified blacks and whites have been the subjects of the greatest number of studies. They state that the black-white IQ difference is about 15 to 18 points or 1 to 1.1 standard deviations (SDs), which implies that between 11 and 16 percent of the black population have an IQ above 100 (the general population median).

No one said reporting a thread on CIA is tribal. But the fact that you think that white people are inherently more intelligent than black people is tribal.

And no, it's not just the Arab/Muslim world committing attacks. The Tamil Tigers have been doing Self Delete bombings for years, long before they became popular. They are accountable for at least a third of all Self Delete bombings. And that's just this one group. Need I mention that they are not Muslim? Then there are the kamikazes during WW2. Are you going to say that Self Delete attacks are an 'Asian trait'? The media simply doesn't focus on places like Mexico, or Africa, or all of Central America because none of these places are of interest to the US
« Last Edit: September 08, 2014, 09:46:37 PM by Biostorm »

These radical attacks happen so often and you know what? I don't see whites doing it, it's Muslims.
Mind you, I don't often see Muslims and Arabs walk into schools and shoot them up, so I suppose it goes both ways...

It is a fact that the only people Self Delete bombing and doing a lot of these tribal things are Muslims in the Arab world. It is hurtful, but you gotta wake up and think about it. I'm closing the thread.

Jesus Christ, just stop.

I was watching Kurzgesagt a bit, and I ran into this video
I'd forgotten they even made it, it seems relevant, if a little way late

Actually, he's correct.
I didn't say he's wrong, but to judge certain races on how "smart" they are by means of IQ is, in fact, tribal.

IQ tests are a load of crap. Half of the questions asked are math related and I have dyscalculia. That doesn't mean I'm stupid.

Also why did the thread re-open?

I didn't say anywhere that black people are poor because they were black
And why are these people [minorities] low income? It's not the governments fault, it is their fault.

I didn't say anywhere that black people are poor because they were black, and I never said that they were stupid. IQ doesn't mean someone is stupid, but if is below 90 then the person is definitely not a genius.
nope no contradictions there at all

I don't see whites doing it, it's Muslims.
you should read more

There is nothing tribal about that, and I'm not saying in a hateful way.
lol ok

I didn't say he's wrong, but to judge certain races on how "smart" they are by means of IQ is, in fact, tribal.

IQ tests are a load of crap. Half of the questions asked are math related and I have dyscalculia. That doesn't mean I'm stupid.

Also why did the thread re-open?
i assume he's going to type a post explaining why he's right and close it before anyone can aruge

Honestly, aside from motivation, what's the difference between a white guy going into a school and shooting a bunch of people then committing Self Delete, and a Muslim guy strapping a bomb to himself intending to kill as many people as possible? Is one more cowardly? Is one worse? Does the white guy get off easier because everyone automatically assumes he was mentally insane? What about the Muslim guy? Surely he wasn't suffering from depression or some other psychological illness?

You guys are ridiculous, and it's not worth arguing here if all I'm going to be called is a tribal. Look, if you wanna think a news report on CIA is tribal - go ahead. The fact that some of you think that the Holocaust and 9/11 should be forgotten is something disgusting and low. I will never forget 9/11 or the Holocaust, and I will always remind people of both of these things especially of 9/11. These radical attacks happen so often and you know what? I don't see whites doing it, it's Muslims. There is nothing tribal about that, and I'm not saying in a hateful way. It is a fact that the only people Self Delete bombing and doing a lot of these tribal things are Muslims in the Arab world. It is hurtful, but you gotta wake up and think about it. I'm closing the thread.
This statement is so ridiculous to me. Does that fact that MILLIONS of other people were killed in genocides and other atrocities both by government and non-state actors mean NOTHING to you? Does the fact that 9/11 killed Americans or the Holocaust killed Jews make the more tragic than a genocide such as the Rwandan genocide or the Bosnian genocide? I suppose the children killed in Iraq means nothing to you? "Oh, they weren't white, Christian, or American, so it's not like they are actually people or anything"

Where is the "Never Forget" or "Never Again" for the Rwandan genocide? The Bosnian genocide? The countless millions killed by Stalin, Pol Pot, Mao?
« Last Edit: September 08, 2014, 10:23:48 PM by Biostorm »

Honestly, aside from motivation, what's the difference between a white guy going into a school and shooting a bunch of people then committing Self Delete, and a Muslim guy strapping a bomb to himself intending to kill as many people as possible? Is one more cowardly? Is one worse? Does the white guy get off easier because everyone automatically assumes he was mentally insane? What about the Muslim guy? Surely he wasn't suffering from depression or some other psychological illness?
or what about radical christians blowing up planned parenthood clinics?

Aw he edited the post where he called Muslims "religious tribal-like barbarians"

Does the white guy get off easier because everyone automatically assumes he was mentally insane? What about the Muslim guy? Surely he wasn't suffering from depression or some other psychological illness?
Well, arguably such extreme religious fervour could be seen as a mental disease, quite possibly related to an enlarged temporal lobe and possible cases of temporal lobe epilepsy, as noted by the works of Michael Persinger and V S. Ramachandran.

And as is the case in Extremism, most followers are in many ways brain-washed and indoctrinated into their beliefs.
The similarity of those beliefs to established major world beliefs makes it much easier for indoctrination too.
And while I don't know of it myself, there's surely some psychological/neurological reasoning for why some people are more easily convinced/manipulated/indoctrinated.

I agree with Dooble here.

It's not because it's in the nature of Muslims to one day go "welp, time to blow me and some other people up". A majority got brainwashed into it. Some people are easily to manipulate, especially when it comes to religion.

I didn't say he's wrong, but to judge certain races on how "smart" they are by means of IQ is, in fact, tribal.

IQ tests are a load of crap. Half of the questions asked are math related and I have dyscalculia. That doesn't mean I'm stupid.
Maybe you can't understand why statistics are important because you can't into math?
Btw you're worse off for not being able to do math, I hope you're not trying to argue that you're not. A test that helps find problems like yours and takes them into account is perfectly valid.

Some people just aren't as intelligent as others, doesn't make the tests invalid.

Well, arguably such extreme religious fervour could be seen as a mental disease, quite possibly related to an enlarged temporal lobe and possible cases of temporal lobe epilepsy, as noted by the works of Michael Persinger and V S. Ramachandran.

And as is the case in Extremism, most followers are in many ways brain-washed and indoctrinated into their beliefs.
The similarity of those beliefs to established major world beliefs makes it much easier for indoctrination too.
And while I don't know of it myself, there's surely some psychological/neurological reasoning for why some people are more easily convinced/manipulated/indoctrinated.
Interesting. I know there are many things that compel people, particularly younger men to join terrorist organizations, but an even smaller minority is probably willing to kill themselves for their religion. If the top Al-Qaeda honchos truly believed in their own ideology, they would also blow themselves up.