Author Topic: Obama Gets 9 Allies to Help Battle Against the cancerous CIA  (Read 16926 times)

Yes, caribou, they do have a much higher crime rate, and it is because poverty and poor education forces them to steal and join gangs (respectively).

That doesn't mean black people are at fault, it just means that the neighborhoods that they grew up in were a horrible place to be raised.

Hopefully poverty ends and everyone's annual income reaches the same as Donald Annoying Orange!
« Last Edit: September 08, 2014, 09:44:28 PM by Caribou »

Again, another person jumps out and takes something completely out of context. Nowhere did I say all Muslims wanting to immigrate to the US hate the US and should be denied citizenship because of their religion.
You didn't say it, but it doesn't take thorough literary brown townysis to figure out that's what you're implying. Here, I'll show you:

Also this morning on Cavuto (on FOX) Ben Stein said that people shouldn't be allowed to come to America or Britain if they hate it so much. He was referring in particular to Muslim Americans, and he's right. He didn't say all though, but some. As opposed to Mexican Americans - many may of came here illegally but they still love this country and take pride. People who hate their country(Which you've established as Muslims) should be forced to go elsewhere, and not be given citizenship.
In order of annotation:

You quote something from a FOX news reporter named Ben Stein saying that people (who are Muslims) should not be allowed to immigrate to the US or the UK if they hate it so much. Then, you make sure to point out that he was only talking about /some/ Muslims, which is really just a CYA-move for saying 'all muslims' without being called out for generalizing billions of people. Then, you contrast Muslims to Mexicans by saying that Mexican immigrants love the US more, which is just some bullstuff you pulled out of your ass with no verifiable evidence to support it, and then you tie it all up by saying that people (who are Muslims, 'some of which' but really all) who hate the US should be forced to leave.

This is how everyone but you reads what you wrote.

It seems like I can't say a thing without someone shouting "racism!". I guess that's how people get their argument across nowadays.
So that leaves two possible explanations. Either you've just been coincidentally falling victim to false accusations of racism over and over, or you're actually a tribal. You should examine both possibilities.

« Last Edit: September 07, 2014, 02:49:27 PM by SeventhSandwich »

I wasn't expecting to be called this for stating a fact.
There's a difference between fact and correlation.

There's a difference between fact and correlation.

Salted butter is where it's at
« Last Edit: September 08, 2014, 09:45:08 PM by Caribou »

Why come to a nation if you hate it?

Why come to country if you hate it:
Other reasons I'm too lazy to list.

I wasn't expecting to be called this for stating a fact.

Because you're misinterpreting the statistics specifically to show that black people are the cause of crime. They are not. Multiple users have already told you that black people just happen to be the main demographic living in crime ridden areas because these areas don't have access to good education, sending them into a "poverty loop" which is very difficult to escape from.

Ben Stein said some Muslims, not all, what makes you think all?

The same thought process that makes me think that a person who says:

"Some Jews, but not all, during the early 20th century were moneylenders who were, in some part but not all, responsible for the economic crCIA of Germany after World War I, so some of these Jews (but not all) who were killed later during World War II, were in fact justly punished for the economic damage inflicted on Germany"

is a neo-national socialist.

Considering the context of what Ben Stein said, I think this is an appropriate place to break Godwin's Law.

Last I recall reading the Merriam Webster dictionary, it is to my knowledge that some is not a synonym for all.
This kind of pedantry about the terms you're using to disparage Muslims is the same vernacular everyone hears from kool kids klub members trying to justify why separating the races isn't inherently bad. This is why people think you're a tribal.

Because you're misinterpreting the statistics specifically to show that black people are the cause of crime. They are not. Multiple users have already told you that black people just happen to be the main demographic living in crime ridden areas because these areas don't have access to good education, sending them into a "poverty loop" which is very difficult to escape from.

What Caribou is doing is the same bullstuff that every tribal does in the post-segregation era where saying blatantly tribal bullstuff is frowned upon.

What he's doing is he's presenting statistics without context, with the hope that other people will misinterpret the statistics in the same way he did and come to a conclusion that Black people are inherently inferior. It's the new way that racism spreads, where instead of just outright saying horrible things about Black people, you've just gotta cite spurious statistics and news articles about gang warfare to miseducate people into new tribals. It should be called the /pol/ method since that's where I see it on the internet.
« Last Edit: September 07, 2014, 03:04:20 PM by SeventhSandwich »

jesus loving christ you are so close-minded
I am not the one who is ignorant and close-minded, you are.
You are literally a lost cause.
Are you serious?
lol Caribou you're so wrong, you literally refuse to look at the context and ignore half of what count is saying

I swear guys, I think he's actually trolling in the grandest way possible, forcing the strongarm stereotypical conservative viewpoint without going completely overboard and bannable with it
Dude you're a dumb forgetin tribal

You guys make yourselves look really dumb whilst caribou treats it as an actual debate

Even if he is trolling, you're feeding him. Gg.

You guys make yourselves look really dumb whilst caribou treats it as an actual debate

Even if he is trolling, you're feeding him. Gg.
But Caribou isn't trolling. This is legitimately the stuff he believes in.

Then let him believe it? It makes you look like the close-minded one for bashing on him for a belief.

You guys make yourselves look really dumb whilst caribou treats it as an actual debate

Sorry I'm not taking his stupid, misinformed, tribal viewpoint seriously lol.

Then let him believe it? It makes you look like the close-minded one for bashing on him for a belief.

The world would be a very stuffty place if we made no effort to sway people away from hateful ideas.

Then let him believe it? It makes you look like the close-minded one for bashing on him for a belief.
Since when is arguing close-minded? That's possibly the most bastardized term on the internet as far as I can tell. The people who speak critically and skeptically about issues like socioeconomic statistics and culture are doing what's inherently the most open-minded, but apparently you see that as close-minded for some reason?

What does the word close-minded even mean to you anyway?

Why come to country if you hate it:
Other reasons I'm too lazy to list.

I'm more than sure that you can acquire money, and fame in tons of other countries beside America. Not to mention, there are many other countries that will take in refugees depending on their circumstances.
« Last Edit: September 08, 2014, 09:46:19 PM by Caribou »

Sorry I'm not taking his stupid, misinformed, tribal viewpoint seriously lol.
that was hateful. You're being hypocritical now.
The world would be a very stuffty place if we made no effort to sway people away from hateful ideas.
and what effort are you making? Arguing with someone on the internet? I don't think that's gonna do anything except make the person that's provoking it amused.
Since when is arguing close-minded? That's possibly the most bastardized term on the internet as far as I can tell. The people who speak critically and skeptically about issues like socioeconomic statistics and culture are doing what's inherently the most open-minded, but apparently you see that as close-minded for some reason?

What does the word close-minded even mean to you anyway?
i never said anything else besides you trying to push your opinion on someone in a hostile way because they disagree with you was open-minded or close-minded.

I'm not well informed as to how Germany got into the financial crCIA before the first World War, so I can't share my knowledge on that particular subject but I will say this: nobody is blaming all Muslims here, in fact nobody here is blaming Muslims at all. I'm not exactly understanding what you are trying to implicate. To compare the kool kids klub and Neo-national socialist's to what was written in the OP is ridiculous. I quoted someone in the OP (who by the way, said nothing tribal), and he said nothing directly to all Muslims, but some. Racism would be saying all hate America, which would not be true. I'm sure there are many patriotic American Muslims, granted.
Once again, just because you pusillanimous individualfooted around the word 'all' by saying 'some' doesn't mean that your implication isn't extremely obvious, especially given everything else you've wrote.

I want to see you corroborate what you said earlier. Show me that more Mexican immigrants love America than the Muslim ones, and show me that any meaningful proportion of Muslim immigrants hate America(I'm especially doubtful about this one since why would they immigrate if they're hateful towards the nation they want to live in?) since I'm 99% sure that you pulled these statistics out of thin air.
« Last Edit: September 07, 2014, 03:15:02 PM by SeventhSandwich »