Author Topic: Furdle & Thorfin25 - "Server lagging? Time to permaban half the server!"  (Read 26136 times)

Wait so he was just trying to justify why it's alright to ban half the server if they're of no use to you?
In that logic, whenever I hosted my roleplays long ago, I should've banned anybody that wasn't doing what I was doing.
One time I was roleplaying and I said 'shutting down server' and about 10 people I didn't even know existed said 'noooo' and it surprised me

you're logic is horribly flawed, furdle.
just loving password the server and tell people who want to help to PM you for the password
not like anyone who knows how you are would want to help someone like you anyways
Oh, but that would make sense. Even worse, he wouldn't get to stroke his richard after flexing his "power!"

The ban reason is legit, it's a development server. You can join and build, if you join and are of no use you get banned. Upon the opening of the server the ban list gets cleared. How hard is that to understand?

The ban reason is legit, it's a development server. You can join and build, if you join and are of no use you get banned. Upon the opening of the server the ban list gets cleared. How hard is that to understand?
It would be hard for me to understand if it wasn't even mentioned beforehand or in the ban reason...

The reason it's a stupid reason is because the majority of Blockland users just roam around the server list, looking for something to do. Maybe they want to explore the server, or see what kind of add-ons you have. Doesn't mean you should permaban them. Even if you lift the bans, they'll remember they are permabanned and are less likely to join whatever ego-boosting gamemode you'll host in the future.

The ban reason is legit, it's a development server. You can join and build, if you join and are of no use you get banned. Upon the opening of the server the ban list gets cleared. How hard is that to understand?
do the people you ban know that?

The ban reason is legit, it's a development server. You can join and build, if you join and are of no use you get banned. Upon the opening of the server the ban list gets cleared. How hard is that to understand?
It would be that simple if you actually told us that in the ban reason.
And bans make it much, much less likely for people to join your game whe it finishes.

Something tells me if people with the name of "Dr.Butt" don't rejoin, we'll be better off.

Something tells me if people with the name of "Dr.Butt" don't rejoin, we'll be better off.

Something tells me if people with the name of "Dr.Butt" don't rejoin, we'll be better off.
Or anything Brony/Furry/Renderman related.

Something tells me if people with the name of "Dr.Butt" don't rejoin, we'll be better off.
To be honest, "Thorfin25" isn't that much better.

Or anything Brony/Furry/Renderman related.
doesnt your name have "Fur" in it

The reason it's a stupid reason is because the majority of Blockland users just roam around the server list, looking for something to do. Maybe they want to explore the server, or see what kind of add-ons you have. Doesn't mean you should permaban them. Even if you lift the bans, they'll remember they are permabanned and are less likely to join whatever ego-boosting gamemode you'll host in the future.

I know we've gone over this already, but I'll bring it up again.

I didn't even know this drama existed. I've been in the server in the past to play around with that vehicle physics thing he had (all it really did was, if you ram your car into too many things you'll explode.)
I was even going to help him build something in the past, but I had to go right before I started.
So I was bored, looked for a server to join.
I joined that to see how the progress was, and then this happened out of the blue.
-pics earlier in the thread-
Didn't even give me a chance
Maybe give a warning before you ban them too?
Like I was banned on sight the hell did I do
You are you
If you don't think this is wrong you need to go to your local doctor to get your brain checked.