Author Topic: Think of a solid before entering.  (Read 4202 times)

$1,000,000 bills
I am ok with this.
because that's totally solid.

Hardcover Sunstone books? Sweet!

because that's totally solid.
well hey it's still a solid
just a light, thin one

sodium chloride
well at least everything will be preserved for the rest of time.

Oy vey it's another shoah

that's NOT A SOLID
ye it is
it has a definite volume and a definite shape

it has...a definite shape
no it doesn't
you can change the shape by touching it
it takes the shape of the container it's in - a property of a liquid
an extremely viscous liquid, but still a liquid

More technically though, it's a colloid; solid (peanut) particles suspended (but not dissolved) in a liquid (oil)